My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Vacation Days 5 & 6 (July 12 & 13, 2013)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I was prepared for a rainy day when I woke up on our last full day of vacation, so you boys can imagine my surprise when the sun was shining and the sky was free of clouds! I was so excited, so I woke you boys up and headed out for a run. We went 3 miles down our beach front road and back. By the time we got back, it was time to change and head down to the beach. We set up our canopy and went right to relaxing and soaking up the sun. We spent our time swimming, playing in the sand and enjoying the beautiful weather. Gabe, we took you out in a little floatie and you loved it. So much so, that the waves rocked you right to sleep. Gage, we put you in your floatie suit so you could run out into the water without fear. You wouldn't go further than knee deep without someone, and when we got you out there, you became more brave .As long as we held your hands, you were fine, kicking your feet and swimming around.  Our tent was near Gage 2 and his family, so you enjoyed playing with him most of the day.

Out in the water with Daddy and Sissy

Gage and Gage 2

Mommy's selfie

Gabe floating around

Gage and Sissy

After spending all day on the beach, minus a lunch break, we packed up our tent and headed back to the condo. We left the chairs, so we could go sit gulf side later in the evening. We went out to eat for our last night and found a little hole in the wall bar and grill. We listened to the live music from the porch while we ate our fresh seafood. After dinner, we stopped by a souvenir shop and got you boys your airbrushed shirts. Sissy bought a few things to take back to her friends. We got back to the condo and immediately went down to the beach. We watched the sun set and enjoyed our last night on the beach.

Modeling the air brushed shirts
The next morning, we got on the road by 10 am. The sky was clouding up as we pulled away and a light rain had started to fall. Our trip home was delayed by two different accidents on I-65. Gage, you slept through one of the them, but Gabe, you started to get antsy. We were very excited to pull into the driveway, nearly an hour and a half later than intended. Despite the delayed trip home and a few bouts of rain, we had a great vacation! Six days didn't seem quite long enough, but we made the most out of every day. Thank you both for being such great travelers, running buddies and beach bums!

I love you both so much,

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