My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Reservior Hill Park

Dear Gage and Gabe,

The week before our vacation, we took the Edge up to Bridgestone to have the mechanics do a "look over" of the vehicle. We wanted to make sure everything was in working order before making the 500 mile trip to Florida. While we waited for them to look at the vehicle, we packed you both in the double stroller and walked to Reservior Hill Park. The park was a little less than a half mile from the shop, so it was a nice walk. Once we got to the park, Gage, we let you run free. You climbed up to the top and went down the slides. You have become so independent. Of course, I kept my eye on you at all times and tried to act as your "spotter" without you noticing. Gabe you loved the swings and you took your first trip down a slide. We had a lot of fun playing at the park, and it was a great way to utilize the free time.

Gabe sliding with Daddy

Gage and Gabe swinging

I love you,

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