My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Potty Training Gage

Dear Gage and Gabe,

In the middle of June, we decided it was time to start potty training, Gage. We had tried a few separate times shortly after your second birthday, but you weren't quite ready. This time we were determined to see it through. We put you in a pair of underwear and took you to the bathroom every hour or so and let you sit on the potty. Number one was easy, number twos took more work. After a few horrible messes that your Daddy and I are wishing we never remember, you caught on. Before we knew it, you were potty trained! You come to us whenever you need to potty, and (knock on wood) you haven't had an accident in nearly a month! You still wear a pull-up to bed, but we always take it off first thing in the morning and put you in underwear. Gage, you're doing such a great job! We are very proud of you!!

Care for some light bathroom reading?

Modeling your camo undies, Gage
I love you,

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