My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Independence Day 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I had to work this year on the Fourth of July (surprise, surprise), so we celebrated the holiday the weekend before. On Saturday, June 30, we had the family and a few friends over for a cookout, bon fire and fireworks. Your Daddy smoked three chickens in the smoker and I made a variety of side dishes. While we prepped the food, you boys played out in the little inflatable pool with your cousins. We had filled it up the day before so the water was nice and warm. The weather was perfect! You all had a great time playing and swimming together. You all also played on the swing set. We got out the wagon, and the older kids had fun pulling the younger kids around the yard. Gage, you took your little four-wheeler outside too, so that was ridden around the yard. 

Granny and Gabe

Molly, Ada and Jude playing in the pool

Big boy Gabe on the four wheeler!

After an afternoon full of play, we ate a delicious dinner. We topped it off with the traditional flag cake and zucchini bread. By the time the sun started to set, everyone was ready for fireworks. Daddy lit the bon fire and we let the bigger kids play with sparklers. Gabe, you were too small to partake in the pyromania, but you did enjoy watching all the pretty colors and lights from the sparklers. By the time we burned through the sparklers, it was time to settle in for the show. We sat by the fire in lawn chairs and on the picnic tables while Daddy, Jeffrey and Uncle Matt lit the big fireworks. It was a great show and we timed it perfectly. By the time the grand finale was finished, we started to hear thunder. By the time we got things picked up, the rain started to fall. We had a great time celebrating our Independence Day!

Traditional flag cake

Mommy and Gabe

Our beautiful family! Love them!

I love you,

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