My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, August 25, 2013

SOKY Fair 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Back in July, the SOKY fair came to town. Of course, we couldn't pass up a good time such as that, so we went. We met up with the Salyer family for our third annual fair trip. This was the first year Gage, you and Emma were big enough to ride the rides. That meant paying $12 for a hand stamp, but it was money well spent. Our first stop on the parade of rides was the helicopters. You and Emma rode in one together. It went around in circles and was raised up in the air. You both enjoyed it. Next stop: the carousel. I rode with you and Amanda rode with Emma. You weren't a big fan of the carousel and it made me dizzy, so I was happy you didn't ask to ride it again! 

Helicopter ride with Emma

You saw a fishing game you wanted to play, so you picked up pole and caught a little toy shark. You had your choice of prizes, and initially chose a large blown up bat. After a little thought and consideration, we traded it in for a ball. I had horrible images of you using Gabe as a tee ball stand. The ball was a much better choice. Daddy wanted to ride the bumper cars, so you and he rode in one car while Dustin rode in another. Emma didn't want to ride, and I'd say that was a good choice. One bump and you were ready to get out. Daddy drove around the perimeter of the arena to avoid any more bumps. You didn't like that ride, at all. You, me, Amanda and Emma rode the Tugboat ride and then you and Emma rode the train. 

Playing the fishing game

Riding the bumper cars with Daddy

On the tugboat ride with Amanda and Emma

Riding the train with Emma
We decided to take a break and feast on some fair cuisine. It was about time for the Figure Eight racing to start, so we grabbed some food and settled in to watch the race. There was a bit of delay for the start of the race, so you and Emma spent time playing. The race finally started and it was very entertaining. There were three initial heats and then a final. In the last heat, all five cars participated. About 4 laps into the race, there was a large collision. The driver needed medical assistance, so the EMTs rushed out onto the field to help him. That was the end of the race, so we went back to the midway to ride more rides. 

Playing ball with Emma

Mommy and Emma

Mommies and babies
We found the Caterpillar roller coaster, the giant slides, and a ride for Mommy and Daddy to ride. Daddy played a basketball shooting game and won two basketballs. He picked out a UK ball and a Louisville ball. He was so proud! We ended the night with some cotton candy. We had a really great time at our third annual fair trip with the Salyer family.

Riding the Caterpillar ride with Daddy

Gabe all tuckered out from the fun

We had such a great time at the fair we decided to go back two days later. This time, we took your cousin Jett with us. You both were able to ride several of the rides together, which meant Mommy and Daddy got a break from some of the rides. The slides required an adult, so Daddy and I took turns making the trek up the stairs and down the slide with you. 

Riding the airplanes with Jett

On the tugboat ride

Riding solo on the train

Jett helping Gage through the Jungle Walk

Slide time!

Helicopter ride with Jett
There was a tractor pull going on at the arena, so while we ate our dinner, we watched the show. It was very loud, but you and Jett thought it was pretty cool. Gabe, you didn't care much for the sound, so we had to plug your ears each time a tractor pulled. We spent the rest of the night riding the rides and walking around. Jett played the basketball game twice, and won a basketball each time! He was so proud, and Daddy was a bit green. He had tried to win yet another ball, and missed. I guess winning two the last time we were there was enough. You and Jett had such a great time playing at the fair. We really enjoyed ourselves and are excited for the SOKY fair next year. 

I love you,

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