My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happy 8 Months, Gabe!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On August 5, we celebrated your 8 month birthday, Gabe! Eight months old already!! It's so hard to believe. These past 8 months have been a whirlwind of excitement. You have changed and developed so much and just recently started moving everywhere. You have gained proficiency in crawling and you like to follow us around to see what we're doing. You have also cut two more teeth since your 7 month birthday. Your top right middle tooth came in on 7/29 and your left came through on 8/2. It appears, and it may be too soon to tell, that you have the Lefler gap. There's quite a bit of space between the top two teeth, but they still have some growing to do. You boys have really started to play together. It's not always pleasant for you Gabe since Gage, you like to take everything away from him. But for the most part, you both compromise and each play with your own toys.

Gabe - 8/5/13

Gage 9/28/11 - 8 months old

Gabe, crawling away
Gabe, you're still eating a lot of vegetables from the garden and just recently started to like green beans. We tried you on some white grape juice and water a few days ago, but you were skeptical. You're not used to a cup, so that will take some time to adjust. Each day you grow and develop a little more and I am so blessed to be your Mommy.

I love you both so very much,

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