My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, August 26, 2013


Dear Gage and Gabe, 

Your daddy does such a great job every year growing us a nice garden, so one my jobs is to preserve all the wonderful things your daddy grows for us. We canned nearly 30 quarts of dill pickle spears with our homegrown cucumbers and dill. We canned quarts of pasta sauce, salsa, diced tomatoes and some small jars of ketchup. We pickled banana peppers and beets. We also blanched and froze gallons of green beans, froze breaded zucchini, yellow squash, and okra. I made several loaves of zucchini bread and froze them as well. I've made a couple batches of pesto from our homegrown basil that has been frozen. We acquired some hot peppers from Daddy’s friend Brian, so I made my first-ever batch of hot sauce. I used jalapeno, Chile, habanero, and ghost peppers to make the sauce. It has a great flavor, but quite a burn. It is not to be eaten alone, that’s for sure. I really enjoy preserving and canning all the homegrown vegetables and this ensures we can enjoy the garden year round.

Pickled beets

Pasta sauce


Full cupboard


Hot sauce
I love you,

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Independence Day 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I had to work this year on the Fourth of July (surprise, surprise), so we celebrated the holiday the weekend before. On Saturday, June 30, we had the family and a few friends over for a cookout, bon fire and fireworks. Your Daddy smoked three chickens in the smoker and I made a variety of side dishes. While we prepped the food, you boys played out in the little inflatable pool with your cousins. We had filled it up the day before so the water was nice and warm. The weather was perfect! You all had a great time playing and swimming together. You all also played on the swing set. We got out the wagon, and the older kids had fun pulling the younger kids around the yard. Gage, you took your little four-wheeler outside too, so that was ridden around the yard. 

Granny and Gabe

Molly, Ada and Jude playing in the pool

Big boy Gabe on the four wheeler!

After an afternoon full of play, we ate a delicious dinner. We topped it off with the traditional flag cake and zucchini bread. By the time the sun started to set, everyone was ready for fireworks. Daddy lit the bon fire and we let the bigger kids play with sparklers. Gabe, you were too small to partake in the pyromania, but you did enjoy watching all the pretty colors and lights from the sparklers. By the time we burned through the sparklers, it was time to settle in for the show. We sat by the fire in lawn chairs and on the picnic tables while Daddy, Jeffrey and Uncle Matt lit the big fireworks. It was a great show and we timed it perfectly. By the time the grand finale was finished, we started to hear thunder. By the time we got things picked up, the rain started to fall. We had a great time celebrating our Independence Day!

Traditional flag cake

Mommy and Gabe

Our beautiful family! Love them!

I love you,

SOKY Fair 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Back in July, the SOKY fair came to town. Of course, we couldn't pass up a good time such as that, so we went. We met up with the Salyer family for our third annual fair trip. This was the first year Gage, you and Emma were big enough to ride the rides. That meant paying $12 for a hand stamp, but it was money well spent. Our first stop on the parade of rides was the helicopters. You and Emma rode in one together. It went around in circles and was raised up in the air. You both enjoyed it. Next stop: the carousel. I rode with you and Amanda rode with Emma. You weren't a big fan of the carousel and it made me dizzy, so I was happy you didn't ask to ride it again! 

Helicopter ride with Emma

You saw a fishing game you wanted to play, so you picked up pole and caught a little toy shark. You had your choice of prizes, and initially chose a large blown up bat. After a little thought and consideration, we traded it in for a ball. I had horrible images of you using Gabe as a tee ball stand. The ball was a much better choice. Daddy wanted to ride the bumper cars, so you and he rode in one car while Dustin rode in another. Emma didn't want to ride, and I'd say that was a good choice. One bump and you were ready to get out. Daddy drove around the perimeter of the arena to avoid any more bumps. You didn't like that ride, at all. You, me, Amanda and Emma rode the Tugboat ride and then you and Emma rode the train. 

Playing the fishing game

Riding the bumper cars with Daddy

On the tugboat ride with Amanda and Emma

Riding the train with Emma
We decided to take a break and feast on some fair cuisine. It was about time for the Figure Eight racing to start, so we grabbed some food and settled in to watch the race. There was a bit of delay for the start of the race, so you and Emma spent time playing. The race finally started and it was very entertaining. There were three initial heats and then a final. In the last heat, all five cars participated. About 4 laps into the race, there was a large collision. The driver needed medical assistance, so the EMTs rushed out onto the field to help him. That was the end of the race, so we went back to the midway to ride more rides. 

Playing ball with Emma

Mommy and Emma

Mommies and babies
We found the Caterpillar roller coaster, the giant slides, and a ride for Mommy and Daddy to ride. Daddy played a basketball shooting game and won two basketballs. He picked out a UK ball and a Louisville ball. He was so proud! We ended the night with some cotton candy. We had a really great time at our third annual fair trip with the Salyer family.

Riding the Caterpillar ride with Daddy

Gabe all tuckered out from the fun

We had such a great time at the fair we decided to go back two days later. This time, we took your cousin Jett with us. You both were able to ride several of the rides together, which meant Mommy and Daddy got a break from some of the rides. The slides required an adult, so Daddy and I took turns making the trek up the stairs and down the slide with you. 

Riding the airplanes with Jett

On the tugboat ride

Riding solo on the train

Jett helping Gage through the Jungle Walk

Slide time!

Helicopter ride with Jett
There was a tractor pull going on at the arena, so while we ate our dinner, we watched the show. It was very loud, but you and Jett thought it was pretty cool. Gabe, you didn't care much for the sound, so we had to plug your ears each time a tractor pulled. We spent the rest of the night riding the rides and walking around. Jett played the basketball game twice, and won a basketball each time! He was so proud, and Daddy was a bit green. He had tried to win yet another ball, and missed. I guess winning two the last time we were there was enough. You and Jett had such a great time playing at the fair. We really enjoyed ourselves and are excited for the SOKY fair next year. 

I love you,

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Reservior Hill Park

Dear Gage and Gabe,

The week before our vacation, we took the Edge up to Bridgestone to have the mechanics do a "look over" of the vehicle. We wanted to make sure everything was in working order before making the 500 mile trip to Florida. While we waited for them to look at the vehicle, we packed you both in the double stroller and walked to Reservior Hill Park. The park was a little less than a half mile from the shop, so it was a nice walk. Once we got to the park, Gage, we let you run free. You climbed up to the top and went down the slides. You have become so independent. Of course, I kept my eye on you at all times and tried to act as your "spotter" without you noticing. Gabe you loved the swings and you took your first trip down a slide. We had a lot of fun playing at the park, and it was a great way to utilize the free time.

Gabe sliding with Daddy

Gage and Gabe swinging

I love you,

Potty Training Gage

Dear Gage and Gabe,

In the middle of June, we decided it was time to start potty training, Gage. We had tried a few separate times shortly after your second birthday, but you weren't quite ready. This time we were determined to see it through. We put you in a pair of underwear and took you to the bathroom every hour or so and let you sit on the potty. Number one was easy, number twos took more work. After a few horrible messes that your Daddy and I are wishing we never remember, you caught on. Before we knew it, you were potty trained! You come to us whenever you need to potty, and (knock on wood) you haven't had an accident in nearly a month! You still wear a pull-up to bed, but we always take it off first thing in the morning and put you in underwear. Gage, you're doing such a great job! We are very proud of you!!

Care for some light bathroom reading?

Modeling your camo undies, Gage
I love you,

Happy 8 Months, Gabe!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On August 5, we celebrated your 8 month birthday, Gabe! Eight months old already!! It's so hard to believe. These past 8 months have been a whirlwind of excitement. You have changed and developed so much and just recently started moving everywhere. You have gained proficiency in crawling and you like to follow us around to see what we're doing. You have also cut two more teeth since your 7 month birthday. Your top right middle tooth came in on 7/29 and your left came through on 8/2. It appears, and it may be too soon to tell, that you have the Lefler gap. There's quite a bit of space between the top two teeth, but they still have some growing to do. You boys have really started to play together. It's not always pleasant for you Gabe since Gage, you like to take everything away from him. But for the most part, you both compromise and each play with your own toys.

Gabe - 8/5/13

Gage 9/28/11 - 8 months old

Gabe, crawling away
Gabe, you're still eating a lot of vegetables from the garden and just recently started to like green beans. We tried you on some white grape juice and water a few days ago, but you were skeptical. You're not used to a cup, so that will take some time to adjust. Each day you grow and develop a little more and I am so blessed to be your Mommy.

I love you both so very much,

Vacation Days 5 & 6 (July 12 & 13, 2013)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I was prepared for a rainy day when I woke up on our last full day of vacation, so you boys can imagine my surprise when the sun was shining and the sky was free of clouds! I was so excited, so I woke you boys up and headed out for a run. We went 3 miles down our beach front road and back. By the time we got back, it was time to change and head down to the beach. We set up our canopy and went right to relaxing and soaking up the sun. We spent our time swimming, playing in the sand and enjoying the beautiful weather. Gabe, we took you out in a little floatie and you loved it. So much so, that the waves rocked you right to sleep. Gage, we put you in your floatie suit so you could run out into the water without fear. You wouldn't go further than knee deep without someone, and when we got you out there, you became more brave .As long as we held your hands, you were fine, kicking your feet and swimming around.  Our tent was near Gage 2 and his family, so you enjoyed playing with him most of the day.

Out in the water with Daddy and Sissy

Gage and Gage 2

Mommy's selfie

Gabe floating around

Gage and Sissy

After spending all day on the beach, minus a lunch break, we packed up our tent and headed back to the condo. We left the chairs, so we could go sit gulf side later in the evening. We went out to eat for our last night and found a little hole in the wall bar and grill. We listened to the live music from the porch while we ate our fresh seafood. After dinner, we stopped by a souvenir shop and got you boys your airbrushed shirts. Sissy bought a few things to take back to her friends. We got back to the condo and immediately went down to the beach. We watched the sun set and enjoyed our last night on the beach.

Modeling the air brushed shirts
The next morning, we got on the road by 10 am. The sky was clouding up as we pulled away and a light rain had started to fall. Our trip home was delayed by two different accidents on I-65. Gage, you slept through one of the them, but Gabe, you started to get antsy. We were very excited to pull into the driveway, nearly an hour and a half later than intended. Despite the delayed trip home and a few bouts of rain, we had a great vacation! Six days didn't seem quite long enough, but we made the most out of every day. Thank you both for being such great travelers, running buddies and beach bums!

I love you both so much,

Vacation Day 4 (July 11, 2013)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We awoke on our fourth day of vacation to over cast skies. I packed you both up to take a walk but about 1/4 mile into it, the rain started to fall. We hurried back to the condo and sought shelter before the skies opened up. While we waited for Sissy and Daddy to wake up, you boys watched The Sword in the Stone and I watched the rain and my spirits fall. I couldn't help but be depressed about the rain. I checked the forecast and saw the rain might clear up later in the day, but there was an 80% chance of rain for Friday (our last full day at the beach).

Once everyone was up and ready, we tried to make the most of the rainy day by taking a drive to the aquarium in Destin - The Gulfarium. We got to the parking lot and quickly became discouraged by the lack of a parking spot. We circled a few times and finally found one. Daddy and I got out while you boys and Sissy waited in the car. We wanted to see what kinds of activities the aquarium had and if packing you all through the rain would be worthwhile. There was quite a line inside. We found a schedule of events and saw there was a dolphin show about to begin. We talked with one of the employees at the door and she said the 12:30 show was always the busiest and it would probably be better to come back later. We decided that to be best and went back out to the car.

We now had a little over 2 hours of time to kill before the next dolphin show, so we did some exploring. While we were looking for a place to eat lunch, we decided to stop at the Destin Harbor Boardwalk and look around. Most of the shops were outside, but along the hotel, there were covered sidewalks. We walked along, looking out at the harbor and checking out the scene. We stopped at a shop that specialized in flavored popcorn. After looking around at all the flavors, I decided to purchase some Fruity Pebbles flavored popcorn (a taste test later that night would prove I made a great choice). We walked down to the fisherman's docks and saw some of the day's catch. Gage, you were quite amazed at all the fish. It was really neat to see the variety of fish, but not so much to see them butchered.


Posing at the Boardwalk

By the time we made it back to the car, it was time to head back to the aquarium. The parking lot was less packed and the rain had started to taper off. We got inside and this aquarium was much different from the ones we have been to before. The center of the building was a giant tank where the dolphins lived. There were small windows at various heights that allowed visibility of the dolphins as they swam under water. We watched the dolphins for a few minutes and then found the smaller aquariums. We saw a variety of fish and even saw a few small sharks. Once we looked around, it was time to make our way to the top to watch the dolphin show.

Dolphins in the tank

Looking at the fish with Daddy

Dory and Nemo

Little sea explorer

A large crowd had already gathered and the bleachers were full. We found a decent spot along the rails from where to watch the show. There were three dolphins in the show and they did all sorts of tricks. We saw them catch and toss footballs, jump through hoops, swim backwards above water and do flips in the air. It was so entertaining.

Tossing a football

Moving backward on top of the water
By the time the show ended, the rain had completely stopped. We left the dolphin pavilion to check out the other exhibits. There were penguins, turtles, seals, stingrays and sharks. There was a "hands on" area where the public could touch horseshoe crabs and other touchable organisms. Your Daddy wasn't scared and he held a horseshoe crab. Gage, you touched it too! We were able to see two other shows while we were there. The sea lions put on a nice set, complete with dancing and ball balancing. We made it over to the alligator display just in time to see the trainers inspect and feed the three giant gators. We walked around and saw all sorts of different sea animals. 

By the time we left, the sun was starting to peek out through the clouds! We were so excited. Once we got back to the condo, the clouds had nearly disappeared. We decided to make the most of the afternoon and went down to the beach. We took a lot of photos and played in the sand and water. Gage, your little friend Gage 2 was there as well, so you all had a lot of fun building sandcastles. Gage 2 loved to play out in the water, so that made you Gage, a little brave. You actually asked to go out into the water and you loved being out there. We had to hold you the entire time, even in the knee deep (for you) water, but it was a step in the right direction.

The Paynes

Playing in the sand

Gage 2 and Gage building a sandcastle

Gage out in the water with Mommy

Playing out in the water
Later that night, there were fireworks at the Harbor Boardwalk. We were able to walk out on the beach and watch the firework show. They were quite distance away, but we were still able to see all the colors and enjoy the show. It was a great way to end a great day!

I love you,