My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Easter 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year we celebrated Easter with the immediate family on Saturday, April 19th. The whole family was over for a light lunch and an egg hunt. Gage, you, Dows and Jett colored the eggs that morning and had a great time customizing them. Our chickens chose the worst possible time of the year to molt. We had only gotten a handful of eggs over the few weeks prior to Easter, so we had to buy some from the store. Talk about a farm fail. But we made the most of the situation and the store bought eggs made beautiful Easter eggs.

"Look at the beautiful eggs, Mom!"
I put together baskets for you both and all the kids. I always have so much fun putting them together!

Baskets for the kiddos

Gage, you liked your basket

Gabe, you were more interested in what was inside the basket
than posing for a picture
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch followed by the egg hunt. Gage, you're an expert now and didn't need any assistance. Gabe, you're still young and you weren't sure what was going on. You walked along, picking up a few eggs here and there, but you didn't get too excited over the deal.

Gabe, you found your egg!!

Daddy found his egg

Way to find your egg, Sissy!

Gage, you found your egg!

Madeline got some cuddle time in with Kymber

The Easter Bunny wasn't very nice to Dows this year :)

Your eggs :)
On Easter Sunday, we made our way north to Fort Branch to see the family. We stopped at Uncle Steve and Aunt Peg's house for a noon meal.

Posing with Grandma Pat :)
We went over the Dave and DeAnn's house to see the Leister side of the family.

They had a trampoline, so Gage, you were in heaven.

Bitsy, you loved playing in the fountain rocks

All the Leister kids

Gabe, you found a lot of eggs. You did really well at this egg hunt :)
We had a great Easter, full of family time and fun!

I love you,

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