My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Vacation Day 2 (6/10/14)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Tuesday morning, Gabe, you went for a run with me and Emily. We didn't have room for the double running stroller, so I was only able to take the single. It was a nice break not to push you both, but I missed your conversation, Gage. We ran a little over 3 miles and it was a great start to the day.

We got back and went down to the beach. While we were running, Daddy and Sissy found us a place on the beach and put up the tent. We got down to the beach and enjoyed the sun. We played in the water, dug in the sand and just relaxed.

Beach selfie

Out in the water with Daddy

Playing in the waves

Fun in the sand with Mommy
We packed up and went back to the condo, but not before enjoying a nice dip in the pool. I love the beach, but sometimes that sand can be a little bit of a bother.

Swimming with Emily

Sunbathing with Daddy
We decided to try something new this year. We went on a dolphin cruise. We loaded up on the boat and got seats toward the front. Sissy, Emily and you, Gage, sat in the very front while Daddy, Gabe and I sat three rows back. We took a tour of the harbor and saw some very fancy houses on the water. Our captain knew where Garth Brooks and Vanna White both owned homes, so I was able to snap a shot of those. Once we finished the loop in the harbor, it was time to hit the open water. The captain cranked up "Crazy Train" and we went full throttle out into the Gulf. It was exhilarating! The wind, the salt water, the bumps from the waves - I enjoyed it all! Gage, you and Emily did not. By the time the boat stopped, you were having a meltdown and wanted to sit back with us. We had gotten drinks prior to heading out into the Gulf and you had your first ever Sierra Mist. You were scared and trembling from the boat ride, but would not let go of that drink! It was so funny.

Ready for the boat ride

Garth Brooks's home

Vanna White's home
 We all got calmed down and started looking for dolphins. There weren't any to be seen, so we went out into the Bay. We were enjoyed the ride and the beauty of the water as we went deep into the bay. We found a nice spot to slow down and the kids were able to "captain" the boat. Gage, you got to drive the boat and then honk the horn. You were so happy and proud!

Captain Gage
We continued our search for dolphins, and didn't have to wait much longer until we were able to spot some. There were 3 or 4 dolphins out in the water and one of them swam right up to the boat. They were beautiful!

Dolphin in the Bay
After the boat ride, we walked around the docks. We stopped in at AJ's restaurant and had a dozen oysters before heading back to the condo.

Oyster time!
Bitsy loves oysters
We stopped at a little fish market on the way back and picked up some grouper cheeks and shrimp for dinner. We grilled and fried a little bit of both and ate on some of the leftover sides from the night before. It was a great day!

I love you,

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