My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Boyce Egg Hunt 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year the Boyce Community Center had their Annual Easter Egg Hunt the weekend before Easter. We invited Dows and KD to go along with us. It was a beautiful Saturday morning with perfect weather for hunting the "hidden" eggs. They had the yard divided off into sections and children were assigned to a section based on age. You all fit under the three and under category, so you were able to hunt eggs together. When it was time to start, Gage, you and KD went right to work picking up eggs and putting them in your baskets. Gabe, you weren't sure about what was going on. We had to coach you and before long, you had a few eggs in your basket. You picked up several on your own and then decided to start putting them in other kids's baskets. You have a sweet heart!

It was difficult to get a picture where all three of you were looking at the camera

Hunting eggs with Dows
At the end of the egg hunt, all the kids got to get a ticket. As we sat around eating refreshments and looking through the spoils of the hunt, numbers were drawn that corresponded to the numbers on the tickets. You each got to pick out a little toy when your numbers were drawn. Gage, you picked out bubbles and Gabe, we picked you out a kite. We had a great time at the egg hunt and look forward to attending next year.

Check out all those eggs!

Bitsy was excited about his find

"I love bubbles! They're my favorite!"
I love you,

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