My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vacation Day 4 (6/12/14)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

You Gabe, Emily and I started out our Thursday morning with a 5K down the road along the beach. It was a nice run and Emily's fastest 5K to date!

My running buddies
We got back to the condo and got ready to go down to a small amusement park called Tracks. It is just down the road in Destin and before noon, the tickets are half price. Since we like to play and love to save money, this seemed just right for us. We bought "tickets" and they were put on credit card type cards. Sissy and Emily had some on one card and the rest was on ours. They went to ride the bumper boats while we took you boys to ride some of the kiddie rides. You all rode the airplanes, the carousel and the train.

Riding the horsey

Flying the plane

On the train with Mommy
After that we found a wooden race track and the girls rode in one gas powered car while Daddy took you Gage in another. Gabe, you were too small to ride, so you and I watched from the sidelines, cheering everyone on.

Daddy and Gage racing

Sissy and Emily racing

Feeding the fish
We then spent the remainder of our cards on putt putt golf. Gage, you had never played before, so it was a bit chaotic at first. Actually, it was chaotic the entire time. Gabe, you kept running after everyone's balls and Gage, you would put everyone's balls in the cups. It was hot and trying to keep up with you boys was hard work. We did get to enjoy the golf somewhat and I'm pretty sure I won. It was also hard to keep track of the score since there was so much chaos.

After Tracks, we went back to the beach to play the rest of the day. The sun was shining and the water felt great. You boys helped Daddy build a sand castle and then immediately destroyed it. We went down to the fish market and bought some grouper tails and shrimp to cook for dinner. That, paired with more homegrown sides, made for a perfect meal!

Emily helping you boys build a sand castle

Playing in the water with Mommy

True happiness!

Helping Daddy build a sand castle

Proud of the finished product
We finished the night off with a walk on the beach. Destin Harbor has a big festival on Thursday nights and the celebrate with fireworks. We were able to watch the firework show from where we were and other people were shooting them off as well. I enjoyed watching them, but you boys were more interested in playing in the sand. Silly boys :)

I love you,

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