My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Great-Great Aunt Mary

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Sunday, May 25, 2014, your Great-Great Aunt Mary Lefler passed away. She lived to a ripe old age of 91 years old and she lived a great life. She lived in her family home just around the corner from Grandma and Grandpa Hall, so when I would spend a week with them in the summer, we always went over for a visit. Every Easter, we would have the traditional Egg Hunt at her house and she would be in charge or rewarding us with our prizes for finding our eggs. I have such fond memories of her and miss her. You all never had the chance to meet her, as her health deteriorated toward the end. But I'll be sure to entertain you with my wonderful stories of her.
Mary Ealine Lefler (2/3/23 - 5/25/14)
We went to her funeral in Indiana on Thursday, May 29. Her sister, my Great Aunt Dot, was able to make it all the way from Colorado. It was nice to see her and her children, but sad due to the circumstances. Grandma Pat seemed to be doing quite well and we celebrated the life a wonderful woman. The ceremony was beautiful and since two of our cousins are priests, they conducted the funeral. It was wonderful to hear some of their stories about her and you could feel the love that everyone shared for her. We love you and miss you, Great-Great Aunt Mary!

At the luncheon after the funeral. 

Mommy visiting with Grandma

I love you,

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