My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, December 28, 2012

Gabe's First Bath

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe - Your umbilical cord came off on December 16th to reveal a very cute and precious belly button. Once the cord falls off, it means real bath time. I was so excited to give you your first bath, but you didn't share in the excitement. The first bath was not fun for you and you spent the majority of the bath crying. Your second bath was much better and the third was even better. You are now a bath time pro and love them!

Gage - You like to watch me give Gabe his baths and you try to help. You like to fill up the cup for me and play in the water. You are a great bath time supervisor.

Look at that cute belly button :)

Not loving it

This is not as fun as you promised, Momma

All bundled up after bath number 2

Woohoo, this is fun!
I love you both,

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