My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Dear Gage and Gabe,

I was looking back through some pictures when Gage was a newborn and compared them to some recent photos of Gabe. I can see a resemblence and you most definitely are brothers. See for yourself.

* Wearing the hats the wonderful nurses in the nursery made for you.

Gage 1/29/11

Gabe 12/5/12

* Sweet sleeping angels.

Gage 1/28/11
Gabe 12/5/12

* Taking you home! Boys, I didn't plan to take you home in the same outfit, but sometimes fate has a way of working its way out!
Gage 1/30/11
Gabe 12/7/12

* Funny faces :)

Gage 2/4/11
Gabe 12/12/12
I love you both whole bunches!

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