My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Brotherly Love

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Since there are two of you now, I have decided to write my entries to both of you. I'm sure there will be some confusion with this, but I will do my best to keep things straight :)

Gabe, we brought you home from the hospital on Friday, December 7 (shiver, shiver). We were out of the hospital by 11:45 that morning, which was a surprise to us. We hadn't even been at the hospital for 48 hours, but we got the green light from my doctor and yours. Of course, we were ready to get home and see your brother.

Gage, you had been staying here at our house with Granny and Pa, so you were here waiting for us. When we got home, you kept your distance. You still weren't too sure what to think about this tiny baby. I think you were a little upset that we brought him home with us. You kept your distance most of the day and only peeked at Gabe sleeping in the bassinet. We didn't try to force you to hold him for fear that doing so would push you further away. On Saturday, however, you asked to hold baby Gabe. You sat very calmly in the recliner and waited for me to place him in your arms. You were so delicate and loving with him. It was so precious. After about 2 minutes or so, you said, "I'm done." I'm so happy you love your brother and are so eager to hold him. Talk about brotherly love.

Taking a peek at baby Gabe sleeping

Gage holding Gabe for the first time :)

Gage loves baby Gabe

Mommy's sweet boys
I love you,

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