My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sissy Visits UK (6/9/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Sissy will be a Senior in high school this coming school year, so she has started to think about colleges. She has flirted with the idea of Pharmacy (just like her step-momma) and has considered the University of Kentucky as a viable undergraduate option. Since we lived there for nearly four years while I attended pharmacy school, we decided to take her up for a visit. I have to admit, since I did my undergraduate course work at U of L and WKU, and only attended UK for Pharmacy School, I didn't know much about campus. I knew where my lecture buildings were, where to find the Johnson Center, how to navigate the hospital and of course where to park, but when it came to other buildings, I was just as clueless as her.

Of course, we decked you boys out in your UK blue to make the trip to Lexington. You all did so well on the little over 2 hours drive! Its such a relief that you ALL are great travelers. Our tour was scheduled for 2pm so we planned to make it into Lexington a little early to visit and have some lunch.

We stopped in at C-Worth, where Daddy used to work, and visited with his former co-workers. Once we left there, we stopped at Joe Bologna's for a tasty lunch. After feasting on veggie lasagna, alfredo and grilled cheese, it was time for the tour. Daddy dropped Sissy and I off at campus for the tour and then he took you all to a nearby playground to play. He also met up with another former coworker to visit..


Cheesing while Mommy plays with him from the front seat.

Before the tour, we sat through and information session where we learned about the University. They discussed student groups, financial aid, housing and other things. After the meeting we took a tour of campus. It was great to see the undergraduate side of campus and even get a tour of one of the dorm rooms. I think Sissy liked campus and is even more eager to pursue an education at UK.

We all had a really nice time in Lexington and it was so great to go back to the city where I spent over 3 years of my life. We passed by our old apartment complex and reminisced on all the good times we spent hanging out in the great city of Lexington!

1332 Nancy Hanks Road - our home from August 2006 to September 2009
I love you,

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