My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Playing in the Fountains (6/11/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Gage and Gabe, on June 11, we went to the downtown library for preschool story time. Gage, you were very excited and participated well in all the activities. Gabe, you were very shy and timid. It took a lot of coaxing to get you to even clap along, but when it came time for crafts, you were a go-getter. You just need some time to warm up to new places and new people. We sang some songs, listened to two stories, played two rounds of "Flip Flap Jack" and then made maracas out of plastic eggs, dried beans and two spoons. Quite creative, I might say.

Listening to story time
Flip Flap Jack - His legs were made of bacon, of bacon, of bacon.

Ready to make maracas!

Adding some cute décor to the maracas

After story time, we picked up Jett and then went back downtown to play in the fountains at Circus Square Park. We played there last year with E and Caroline, so you boys were excited about going back for a fun time. Gage, you and Jett went straight to playing, while you Gabe, played your shy card. You hung out with me on the bench and watched all the kids play. We at a little lunch while we spectated. Finally, toward the end of our visit, you decided to play in the water. 

Eating a PB&J
I don't quite understand this fascination, but every kid did this.
Gage, you clearly were no exception.

Stomping the fountain.
We thoroughly enjoyed our day. It was great to have a little time with my big boys!

I love you,

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