My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Grant's Two Month Check Up (6/10/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Grant, on May 31, you turned two months old and on June 10, I took you to see Dr. Chris for your two month check up.  You got stripped down to just a diaper and then weighed and measured. I knew you were a big boy, but I was shocked when I saw the number on the scale: 12 pounds 5 ounces! Gage and Gabe, when you boys went in for your two month check ups, you both weighed 10 pounds 15 ounces. I wasn't expecting to see 12 pounds on the scale! That put you in the 70th percentile for weight, Grant, and you measured 23 3/4 inches long (90th percentile).

After your weigh in, Dr. Chris came in to look you over. He said you are a very healthy boy and there wasn't anything to be concerned with. Once the check up was over, it was time for the fun part: your first round of vaccinations. You got three shots and were so brave. You did cry some, but after about 30 seconds, you calmed down and acted like nothing happened. So proud of you.

When you were around 3 weeks old, you decided you would roll over from belly to back. I suppose we could consider it a fluke event, as you didn't do it again for another 3 weeks, but it will go down in the baby book as a mile stone. You have since become proficient in rolling over belly to back and I was lucky enough to get it on video.

You have grown and developed so much! I can't believe my baby is rolling over and looking like such a big boy!

Holding my head up like a champ!
I love you,

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