My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Witchcraft in Alvaton

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Monday night, Daddy had gone outside to get Penny. As he walked toward the building to lock it up for the night, he noticed a flickering light about 50 yards up the road at the beginning of Old Dearing Road. He had a flashlight with him so he decided to go investigate. As he approached, he noticed the flickering was coming from a lit tea candle and laying beside the candle was a coconut. He blew out the candle and picked up the coconut to get it out of the road. As he walked back, he thought, "What if this is a bomb?" and then decided to throw it on the ground. It broke apart and inside were a banana pepper, a jalepeno pepper, a habanero pepper, and two pieces of folded paper. He grabbed a box and collected the contents. Once inside, we examined the mysterious coconut and its contents. The two pieces of paper were unfolded and discovered to be an Ace of Spades playing card and a hand written note: Increase Psychic Abilities - Telekinesis & Telepathy.

This was so bizarre. I did some research online and found some information about witchcraft. Apparently coconuts and peppers are widely used in witchcraft and voodoo rituals.
So, our sincerest apologies to the person whose spell we ruined. Next time, don't leave your voodoo coconut in the middle of a public road.
Boys, there are interesting people in this world. Very interesting people.
I love you,

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Playing in the Fountains (6/11/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Gage and Gabe, on June 11, we went to the downtown library for preschool story time. Gage, you were very excited and participated well in all the activities. Gabe, you were very shy and timid. It took a lot of coaxing to get you to even clap along, but when it came time for crafts, you were a go-getter. You just need some time to warm up to new places and new people. We sang some songs, listened to two stories, played two rounds of "Flip Flap Jack" and then made maracas out of plastic eggs, dried beans and two spoons. Quite creative, I might say.

Listening to story time
Flip Flap Jack - His legs were made of bacon, of bacon, of bacon.

Ready to make maracas!

Adding some cute décor to the maracas

After story time, we picked up Jett and then went back downtown to play in the fountains at Circus Square Park. We played there last year with E and Caroline, so you boys were excited about going back for a fun time. Gage, you and Jett went straight to playing, while you Gabe, played your shy card. You hung out with me on the bench and watched all the kids play. We at a little lunch while we spectated. Finally, toward the end of our visit, you decided to play in the water. 

Eating a PB&J
I don't quite understand this fascination, but every kid did this.
Gage, you clearly were no exception.

Stomping the fountain.
We thoroughly enjoyed our day. It was great to have a little time with my big boys!

I love you,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sissy Visits UK (6/9/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Sissy will be a Senior in high school this coming school year, so she has started to think about colleges. She has flirted with the idea of Pharmacy (just like her step-momma) and has considered the University of Kentucky as a viable undergraduate option. Since we lived there for nearly four years while I attended pharmacy school, we decided to take her up for a visit. I have to admit, since I did my undergraduate course work at U of L and WKU, and only attended UK for Pharmacy School, I didn't know much about campus. I knew where my lecture buildings were, where to find the Johnson Center, how to navigate the hospital and of course where to park, but when it came to other buildings, I was just as clueless as her.

Of course, we decked you boys out in your UK blue to make the trip to Lexington. You all did so well on the little over 2 hours drive! Its such a relief that you ALL are great travelers. Our tour was scheduled for 2pm so we planned to make it into Lexington a little early to visit and have some lunch.

We stopped in at C-Worth, where Daddy used to work, and visited with his former co-workers. Once we left there, we stopped at Joe Bologna's for a tasty lunch. After feasting on veggie lasagna, alfredo and grilled cheese, it was time for the tour. Daddy dropped Sissy and I off at campus for the tour and then he took you all to a nearby playground to play. He also met up with another former coworker to visit..


Cheesing while Mommy plays with him from the front seat.

Before the tour, we sat through and information session where we learned about the University. They discussed student groups, financial aid, housing and other things. After the meeting we took a tour of campus. It was great to see the undergraduate side of campus and even get a tour of one of the dorm rooms. I think Sissy liked campus and is even more eager to pursue an education at UK.

We all had a really nice time in Lexington and it was so great to go back to the city where I spent over 3 years of my life. We passed by our old apartment complex and reminisced on all the good times we spent hanging out in the great city of Lexington!

1332 Nancy Hanks Road - our home from August 2006 to September 2009
I love you,

Grant's Two Month Check Up (6/10/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Grant, on May 31, you turned two months old and on June 10, I took you to see Dr. Chris for your two month check up.  You got stripped down to just a diaper and then weighed and measured. I knew you were a big boy, but I was shocked when I saw the number on the scale: 12 pounds 5 ounces! Gage and Gabe, when you boys went in for your two month check ups, you both weighed 10 pounds 15 ounces. I wasn't expecting to see 12 pounds on the scale! That put you in the 70th percentile for weight, Grant, and you measured 23 3/4 inches long (90th percentile).

After your weigh in, Dr. Chris came in to look you over. He said you are a very healthy boy and there wasn't anything to be concerned with. Once the check up was over, it was time for the fun part: your first round of vaccinations. You got three shots and were so brave. You did cry some, but after about 30 seconds, you calmed down and acted like nothing happened. So proud of you.

When you were around 3 weeks old, you decided you would roll over from belly to back. I suppose we could consider it a fluke event, as you didn't do it again for another 3 weeks, but it will go down in the baby book as a mile stone. You have since become proficient in rolling over belly to back and I was lucky enough to get it on video.

You have grown and developed so much! I can't believe my baby is rolling over and looking like such a big boy!

Holding my head up like a champ!
I love you,

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend 2015

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Boys, I have gotten pretty far behind with my letters to you. I apologize and will do my best to catch up. I'm glad I take my camera everywhere and take a ridiculous amount of photos, as without those, I wouldn't be able to remember all the things we did. Mom brain, you know.

So back in May, I started back to work after my maternity leave. I went back to work on May 18, but requested to have my work weekend off. My request was granted, so I worked Monday through Thursday and was off for 10 days! It just so happened to be Memorial Day Weekend and your Uncle Jeffy came in to town and stayed with us.

On Sunday afternoon Charlie and Mallory came over, and we went down to the creek to enjoy some swimming and fun.

 Grant was less than enthused to be down at the creek. Perfect nap spot!

Daddy took the fishing poles and he helped you boys cast and reel.

Uncle Jeffy had some good luck with his pole!

Daddy helped Jeffy take the little bass off the hook.

Gage, you were too scared to touch the fish.

On Monday, Brian and KD came over and joined us for a nice afternoon. All the kids had a blast playing on the four wheelers and the adults enjoyed playing cornhole.

Later that evening, I took Granny and Grant to Sissy's band banquet. She received a class plaque and was also inducted into the "Band Hall of Fame." It was great to see Sissy rewarded to her time and dedication to band. We are very proud of her.

I love you,