My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vacation Day 4 (6/12/14)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

You Gabe, Emily and I started out our Thursday morning with a 5K down the road along the beach. It was a nice run and Emily's fastest 5K to date!

My running buddies
We got back to the condo and got ready to go down to a small amusement park called Tracks. It is just down the road in Destin and before noon, the tickets are half price. Since we like to play and love to save money, this seemed just right for us. We bought "tickets" and they were put on credit card type cards. Sissy and Emily had some on one card and the rest was on ours. They went to ride the bumper boats while we took you boys to ride some of the kiddie rides. You all rode the airplanes, the carousel and the train.

Riding the horsey

Flying the plane

On the train with Mommy
After that we found a wooden race track and the girls rode in one gas powered car while Daddy took you Gage in another. Gabe, you were too small to ride, so you and I watched from the sidelines, cheering everyone on.

Daddy and Gage racing

Sissy and Emily racing

Feeding the fish
We then spent the remainder of our cards on putt putt golf. Gage, you had never played before, so it was a bit chaotic at first. Actually, it was chaotic the entire time. Gabe, you kept running after everyone's balls and Gage, you would put everyone's balls in the cups. It was hot and trying to keep up with you boys was hard work. We did get to enjoy the golf somewhat and I'm pretty sure I won. It was also hard to keep track of the score since there was so much chaos.

After Tracks, we went back to the beach to play the rest of the day. The sun was shining and the water felt great. You boys helped Daddy build a sand castle and then immediately destroyed it. We went down to the fish market and bought some grouper tails and shrimp to cook for dinner. That, paired with more homegrown sides, made for a perfect meal!

Emily helping you boys build a sand castle

Playing in the water with Mommy

True happiness!

Helping Daddy build a sand castle

Proud of the finished product
We finished the night off with a walk on the beach. Destin Harbor has a big festival on Thursday nights and the celebrate with fireworks. We were able to watch the firework show from where we were and other people were shooting them off as well. I enjoyed watching them, but you boys were more interested in playing in the sand. Silly boys :)

I love you,

Vacation Day 3 (6/11/14)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Wednesday morning, the skies were overcast and there was a chance for rain all day. We decided to take a drive around Miramar Beach and explore some new things. We found a little park on the Bay that was neat. We could walk right up to the water and see the boats out on the Bay. There was a little playground to play on too.

We went back to the condo, had lunch and then went down to the beach. It was still overcast and a little windy, but nice to be on the beach.

Caught some fish with our little net - don't worry, no harm to the creatures.

Playing football

After playing for a while it was time to get ready to go out for dinner. We went to a place in Destin called The Back Porch. We were able to sit on the covered deck so we had a view of the Gulf while we ate our dinner. We ordered fried calamari for an appetizer and it was delicious. For dinner, Gage, you got the fish toes and Gabe, you got the fried shrimp. Us girls ordered the sampler platter and Daddy got the fried Captain's platter. The food was delicious and we were even able to take some back to the condo with us.

Yummy calamari

Our sampler platter - shrimp, scallops, tilapia, crab cake and a corn medley with rice

Our view from the table - crazy looking clouds

Saw a rainbow on the way back to the condo
We went back and took some pictures on the beach. We also took a nice walk down the coast and saw a Sea Turtle's nest. It was roped off so no one would disturb it.

Family photo

They love each other - I swear

Daddy and his boys

Daddy and his babies

Sea turtle nest

Mommy and her boys
I love you,

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Vacation Day 2 (6/10/14)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Tuesday morning, Gabe, you went for a run with me and Emily. We didn't have room for the double running stroller, so I was only able to take the single. It was a nice break not to push you both, but I missed your conversation, Gage. We ran a little over 3 miles and it was a great start to the day.

We got back and went down to the beach. While we were running, Daddy and Sissy found us a place on the beach and put up the tent. We got down to the beach and enjoyed the sun. We played in the water, dug in the sand and just relaxed.

Beach selfie

Out in the water with Daddy

Playing in the waves

Fun in the sand with Mommy
We packed up and went back to the condo, but not before enjoying a nice dip in the pool. I love the beach, but sometimes that sand can be a little bit of a bother.

Swimming with Emily

Sunbathing with Daddy
We decided to try something new this year. We went on a dolphin cruise. We loaded up on the boat and got seats toward the front. Sissy, Emily and you, Gage, sat in the very front while Daddy, Gabe and I sat three rows back. We took a tour of the harbor and saw some very fancy houses on the water. Our captain knew where Garth Brooks and Vanna White both owned homes, so I was able to snap a shot of those. Once we finished the loop in the harbor, it was time to hit the open water. The captain cranked up "Crazy Train" and we went full throttle out into the Gulf. It was exhilarating! The wind, the salt water, the bumps from the waves - I enjoyed it all! Gage, you and Emily did not. By the time the boat stopped, you were having a meltdown and wanted to sit back with us. We had gotten drinks prior to heading out into the Gulf and you had your first ever Sierra Mist. You were scared and trembling from the boat ride, but would not let go of that drink! It was so funny.

Ready for the boat ride

Garth Brooks's home

Vanna White's home
 We all got calmed down and started looking for dolphins. There weren't any to be seen, so we went out into the Bay. We were enjoyed the ride and the beauty of the water as we went deep into the bay. We found a nice spot to slow down and the kids were able to "captain" the boat. Gage, you got to drive the boat and then honk the horn. You were so happy and proud!

Captain Gage
We continued our search for dolphins, and didn't have to wait much longer until we were able to spot some. There were 3 or 4 dolphins out in the water and one of them swam right up to the boat. They were beautiful!

Dolphin in the Bay
After the boat ride, we walked around the docks. We stopped in at AJ's restaurant and had a dozen oysters before heading back to the condo.

Oyster time!
Bitsy loves oysters
We stopped at a little fish market on the way back and picked up some grouper cheeks and shrimp for dinner. We grilled and fried a little bit of both and ate on some of the leftover sides from the night before. It was a great day!

I love you,

Vacation Day 1 (6/9/14)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year we went down to Miramar Beach, Florida again for vacation. We headed out on Monday morning when I got off work and made the 500 mile journey south. I was hoping to sleep some of the way, but the excitement of our vacation made that difficult to do. You boys were able to catch some shut eye, which made the trip a little easier on us.

You've got your blanket and your pup-pup - you're good to go

Sissy and Emily found a way to sleep - doesn't look too comfy to me

All nestled in
 We arrived around 3:30 that afternoon and immediately scoped out the condo. We stayed at the Sea Cabins again this year and the unit we stayed in this year is the exact same unit we stayed in 2 years ago. The new owner did a remodel of the place and it now has bunk beds in the closet off the living room, a full bath upstairs and a washer and dryer. She did a great job with the remodel and we were excited to see all the changes.

June 2012 on the left, June 2014 on the right

Bunk beds
New full bath upstairs
After we got the car unloaded and some things put away, Daddy and I went down to the grocery to get some things for the week. We also stopped by the fresh fish market and bought some shrimp for dinner. When we got back, we got you boys changed into your swim shorts and took a walk down to the beach. The water was beautiful and the sand was white.

Squinty face - that sun was bright :)
We went back to the condo to work on dinner. Sissy and Emily took you boys out to the pool while Daddy and I prepared our dinner. We brought garden fresh green beans, cabbage, beets, squash and zucchini to complement the grilled gulf shrimp. It was a delicious dinner and a perfect way to top off our first day of vacation.
Got your "body bump" suit on 

Sissy and Emily

Emily swimming with Gage
I love you,