My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Girl Scout Cookies 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

When I was a little girl I was a member of the Girl Scouts. Every year our big fundraiser and most well known activity, was the sale of Girl Scout Cookies. The Tagalongs and Do'Si'Does were always my favorite. I would get so excited about this time of year, and it that hasn't changed much. We usually buy some boxes of cookies from the troops who set up a stand in front of one of the grocery stores. Your Dada loves Samoas, and as my tastes have changed over the years, my favorite are Thin Mints. There's just something about chocolate and mint. This year I was suckered in to buying five boxes ("If you buy 5 boxes, you'll be entered into a drawing to win 2 cases"). I got 3 boxes of Samoas, 1 box of Thin Mints and 1 box of Do'Si'Does (old habits are hard to break). After lunch that day I let you all have a small taste of heaven. The Thin Mints and Samoas were wonderful as always and you both seemed to agree :)

Num num Thin Mints

Samoas are wonderful
I love you,

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