My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, March 24, 2014

Climbing Baby Boy

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Since you've become a proficient walker Gabe, you have decided to move on to bigger and better things - climbing on everything in sight! You climb up and down off the couch numerous times a day with no true purpose other than to just climb. You have watched Gage drag the clothes basket into the kitchen to climb up on to get things off the counter, so you've started to do that as well. The other day I noticed lights flickering in the foyer and there you were, standing on the table, playing with the light switches. You have climbed on top of both picnic tables (the kiddie table and the full sized one) and mastered the play set. You climb the stairs independently and then slide all on your own. You have become such a brave little boy! It keeps up on our toes, that's for sure.

Playing with the magnets on the refrigerator
Playing with the light switches
On top of the kiddie picnic table

Forget the kiddie table - I can climb the big table

I love you,

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