My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fun in the Snow (3/3/14 & 3/4/14)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We had quite a snow storm a few weeks ago. The storm came overnight Sunday and continued through the day on Monday. When it was all said and done, we had a couple inches of ice covered with a couple inches of snow. It was brutally cold on Monday and we tried to go outside and play. We sledded down the hills a few times, but the wind was fierce so we called it a day.

Just chillin'

Masked men ready to sled

Gabe sledding with Daddy

Gage sledding with Mommy
On Tuesday, it was still below freezing but there wasn't a negative degree windchill. We were able to get outside to play. We sledded, built a snowman and threw snowballs.

Throwing snowballs at Mommy

Helping Mommy build a snowman

Our little snowman

Gage and our cute little snowman

Sledding with Mommy
After we were done playing, we made a big bowl of snow cream. Eating the snow cream brought back so many wonderful memories of my childhood. When I was little, we would spend hours playing out in the snow and top off a wonderful day with snow cream. We always liked to color ours with food coloring and make a rainbow of colors.

Enjoying snow cream

Yummy snow cream
I had so much fun playing out in the snow with you boys and you all seemed to enjoy it too. It was a great day!!

I love you,

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