My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Race Day (3/23/13)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Since January 1st, I have been training to run a half marathon. It was slow going at first, since I had just had baby Gabe on December 5th. I started out slow and worked my way up, week by week, gradually adding miles and getting a little faster. I put my training to the test on Saturday March 23rd by running the Total Fitness Run for Kids Half Marathon here in Bowling Green. It was a cold morning, but nothing a jacket, pair of gloves and ear warmer couldn't fix. I met up with a few of my friends at the starting line and we waited for the race to start. Once we got the Ready, Set, Go, we took off. I ran with my good friend and motivator, Therisa. We have run a couple of Minis together in the past, and she always keeps me going. We weren't very optimistic about the race. My goal was to try to finish in 2:10 or less. Considering Gabe was just 15 1/2 weeks old, this was a hefty goal.

The race started and we found ourselves keeping a great pace. We were running nearly a minute faster than our goal pace without too much trouble. We just kept pushing ourselves and anytime I started to struggle, Therisa would give me a pep talk to keep me going. Of course, having my cheerleaders supporting me around the five and eight mile marks (it was a turn around race), helped motivate me. I finished the race with an official time of 2:02:10, nearly eight minutes faster than my goal! Not a PR, but much better than I thought. I was so proud to finish the race and very thankful for all of yours and Daddy's support and encouragement. Next race, a full marathon in November! We'll see!

Posing with Jennifer

Mommy and Therisa

At the staring line (with Karen in the background)

A little over 8 miles into the race

Posing with my finisher's medal
I love you,

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Just wow. Totally impressed with your dedication....and a shout out to Jennifer! :)
