My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Chicken Farmers

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We have recently decided to raise our own chickens. Daddy worked very hard to build a nice home for our chickens. He built them a cozy coop with nesting boxes, roosting rods and little ramps. Their yard is fully enclosed to protect them from all the critters roaming the countryside. I think we will eventually let them out to free range, but we're going to be a little protective at first. The chickens that we got from a neighbor down the road are still a too young to lay eggs, but within a couple of months, we will be enjoying fresh eggs daily!

Frame of the coop

Coop and run

Ready for wire

Nesting boxes, ramps and roosting poles

All finished and ready for chickens

Chickens checking out their new home

Gage playing with the chickens
I love you,


  1. OK, so I'm impressed! What exactly is a "roosting Pole"?

    1. Thank you! Billy did a great job. Our roosting pole looks like a ladder, with round rods as the "steps." They perch on them at night.
