My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Boyce Easter Egg Hunt (3/16/13)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Saturday March 16, we went down to the Boyce Community Center for their annual Egg Hunt. There were three separate egg hunting sections based on age, so Gage, you got to hunt eggs with the youngest group. You saw all the eggs scattered out in the grass, and weren't quite sure what to make of it all. Prior to the start, you continuously ran out in the grass to look at the eggs. I had to keep running out after you! When the egg hunt finally started, you were hesitant to start. You would pick up an egg, shake it, then try to open it. Finally after doing that with the first four eggs, and us telling you to just put them in your basket, you got the hang of the routine. It the end, you gathered a basket full of colorful eggs and they all had little toys and fun things inside.

After the hunt, all the kids were given a ticket. Each ticket was called and each child got to pick out a toy. Gage, you picked out a set of little trucks, and Gabe, you got a stuffed blue bunny. We had a lot of fun and look forward to next year when you both will be able to hunt eggs!

Before the egg hunt

Helping Baby Gabe get an egg

Collecting eggs
Posing with Mommy :)
I love you both very much,

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