My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vacation Day 4 (6/20/12)

Dear Gage,

Today we decided to do some exploring down the Emerald Coast. We went to the Henderson Beach State Park and walked around on the nature trail. We saw a variety of plants along the trail and even a few creatures. Daddy had you on his shoulders and he wanted to peek out from behind some shrubs for a photo op. I got the camera out while he proceeded to find the perfect shrub. Just as he was walking off the path behind the bush, he let out a yell and backpedaled about six feet. We were hesitant to see what all the fuss was about. Daddy kept us from getting to close by saying he wasn't sure if it was poisonous, so I knew it was a snake we were dealing with. I tried to inch as close as I felt safe to the bush to get a picture, but I only saw the yellowish white tail disappear out into the shrubbery. Shoo, that was a close call!

 We saw other wild life while we were out on the trail, but no more snakes, thank goodness. We saw several different lizards and birds. The foliage is so much different from ours in Kentucky, so it was fascinating to see the cacti, palm bushes and trees, and the other plants and shrubs. We stopped on our way out to play on the little playground and then headed on our way.

We went down to the bay in Destin and parked right past the bridge. There was a little beach area down there with several people swimming and sun bathing. We unpacked our chairs and umbrella and set up. The water was much more calm than out on the gulf, so you really enjoyed swimming. We put you in your blow up raft and Daddy pulled you around while we explored the clear water along the beach and under the bridge. We saw a lot of different fish under the water because it was so clear! We stayed down there for the afternoon and really enjoyed the break from the waves.

Tonight we decided to eat at a restaurant right next to our condo called Rick's Crab Trap. It was on the second floor of the neighboring hotel. We got spinach and artichoke dip as an appetizer and you really enjoyed it. You ate more of it that we did! You also feasted on some shrimp, french fries, and clam strips.

Yummy spinach dip
 We decided to go out for a sweet treat and had frozen yogurt at TCBY. You got a small cup of cookies and cream and ate every last bit! What a wonderful night cap.

I like this FroYo!

And of course we took a walk on the beach. It was a little later than the previous nights, so we packed our flashlights. The night breeze felt so nice and the sand was so cool. Beautiful.

Family :)
I love you,

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