My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vacation Day 2 (6/18/12)

Dear Gage,

Today we spent most of the day out on the beach, soaking up the sun. We got out early and set up our beach chairs and umbrellas. We dressed you in your little inflated bathing suit, in anticipation of you diving right in to the water. This morning you weren't as fond of the water. The waves were a little more poweful than last night and the water was a little cooler. You liked to stand with your feet in the water, but going out any further was off limits.

Out in the water with Daddy
We changed you into your swim trunks and let you play in the sand. And boy did you play in the sand! You were running around and jumping in the fluffy white sand. You made a friend while we were out there. Dillion, who is around 5 or 6 years old, asked for our permission to play with you. Of course we said yes and he was right to you. He got your ball and played with you. Then you both started working on a sand castle. You didn't quite understand not to tear down the newly built walls, but Dillon was very patient with you and didn't seem to mind. Daddy finally got you distracted to your own little pile of sand and you were content.

Watching Daddy and Dillon build a castle
Digging a hole
We played on the beach and in the pool off and on all day. We took breaks to eat lunch and to let you nap. You took a great nap in the early afternoon and once you awoke, you were ready to take on the beach again!

Once we were tired of the sun, we showered and changed clothes. I got a recommendation to a good restaurant, so we decided to check it out. We went to the Crab Trap, a seafood restaurant right on the beach in Destin. We got there early enough that we only had a 5 minute wait for the table. The food was excellent and the view was beautiful. We ordered fried calamari for an appetizer and you absolutely loved it. You ate it up! You also ate some of Sissy's fried shrimp, my steamed broccoli, and Daddy's crab cakes.

Yummy Calamari
Pretty Sissy eating an oyster
After dinner we took a stroll on the beach and watched the sun set. We got a couple of family photos on the beach. What a perfect way to end a perfect day.

Family photo on the beach

I love you,

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