My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Big Brother

Dear Gage,

It's a little late to be writing this blog, as everyone knows and it's been made "facebook official," but you're going to be a BIG BROTHER! That's right, Mommy is going to be having another baby. You are too young right now to understand what is going on, but I hope you adapt well with this new addition. Baby Payne is due to arrive on December 16. Since I had a c-section with you, the doctor wants to do one for this baby. They're usually scheduled about a week prior to the due date, so we're crossing our fingers for a 12/12/12 baby. Wouldn't that be pretty cool?

I know you're going to be a great big brother. Another baby was definitely in our future, we just didn't think it would happen so soon. You won't quite be 2 years old when your baby brother/sister arrives and that's ok. You'll never really remember being an only child and will only remember having your little playmate around. That's a plus.

We're very excited about our new addition and I can't wait to meet him/her. I know you will love the baby!

I made you a shirt to announce the big news!
I love you,

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