My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vacation Day 1 and Father's Day (6/17/12)

Dear Gage,

On Sunday, June 17, we celebrated Father's Day by driving to the beach for our week long vacation! Daddy told me he had his babies and was going on vacation, so he couldn't have asked for anything better. I think I agree. We are staying in Miramar Beach, FL this year, which is right outside of Destin. You have never been to Florida before and your Sissy has never seen the Gulf.

We started out early in the morning and headed down I-65. We went through Tennessee, Alabama, and into Florida. We made good time and arrived right on schedule. We stopped along the way three times, once for a potty break, once for food, and once at a neat little rustic honesty shop for some boiled peanuts. Your Sissy didn't like them very much and you ate only one. You didn't spit it out, but you didn't ask for more. We didn't want to force the issue. Between napping and watching movies, you traveled pretty well. You had a couple of fussy moments, but I have to admit that I felt a little fussy at times too. Nine hours in the car is a long time.

Tennessee! You've been here before.

Sweet Home Alabama. This was a new state for you.

Hello Sunshine State!!

Napping in the car with Sissy.
Once we arrived, we toured our little townhouse. We have never stayed in a condo/townhouse before. We usually stay in hotels, but I don't think we'll go back to that. The condo, while located across the street from the beach, is so roomy and nice. The little location has 8 buildings with 4 homes each, so the number of people is limited and it is much more family oriented. Our building is right by the pool, so that's a huge plus.

After getting unpacked, we went to the grocery for our weeklong needs. Once the groceries were unloaded and put away, we headed down to the beach. You were a skeptical of this big water and the fluffy white sand. Even though you'd been to the beach before, this was a new experience. There's a big difference between being 6 months old and nearly 17 months. You loved walking around in the sand and picking it up. You finally decided to walk out a little bit into the water and you loved it. You laughed your belly laugh and jumped around. You were in heaven. It was so great to see you enjoying the sand and water. This was a good sign of the days to come. We have a lot of beach to see this week!

Toes in the sand and water

Checking out the water with Sissy

We took a quick dip in the pool before retiring to our condo for the night. You really enjoyed the pool. Daddy put you in your raft and you floated around the pool like you owned the place. You were kicking your feet and splashing water, having a great time.

Loving the pool

You ended the night cuddling with Daddy. What a perfect Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

I love you,

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