My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Peek-a-boo boy

Dear Gage,

Today you played behind one of the curtains and played peek-a-boo! It was precious and I just had to take a video.

I love you sweet boy!

Vacation Day 4 (6/20/12)

Dear Gage,

Today we decided to do some exploring down the Emerald Coast. We went to the Henderson Beach State Park and walked around on the nature trail. We saw a variety of plants along the trail and even a few creatures. Daddy had you on his shoulders and he wanted to peek out from behind some shrubs for a photo op. I got the camera out while he proceeded to find the perfect shrub. Just as he was walking off the path behind the bush, he let out a yell and backpedaled about six feet. We were hesitant to see what all the fuss was about. Daddy kept us from getting to close by saying he wasn't sure if it was poisonous, so I knew it was a snake we were dealing with. I tried to inch as close as I felt safe to the bush to get a picture, but I only saw the yellowish white tail disappear out into the shrubbery. Shoo, that was a close call!

 We saw other wild life while we were out on the trail, but no more snakes, thank goodness. We saw several different lizards and birds. The foliage is so much different from ours in Kentucky, so it was fascinating to see the cacti, palm bushes and trees, and the other plants and shrubs. We stopped on our way out to play on the little playground and then headed on our way.

We went down to the bay in Destin and parked right past the bridge. There was a little beach area down there with several people swimming and sun bathing. We unpacked our chairs and umbrella and set up. The water was much more calm than out on the gulf, so you really enjoyed swimming. We put you in your blow up raft and Daddy pulled you around while we explored the clear water along the beach and under the bridge. We saw a lot of different fish under the water because it was so clear! We stayed down there for the afternoon and really enjoyed the break from the waves.

Tonight we decided to eat at a restaurant right next to our condo called Rick's Crab Trap. It was on the second floor of the neighboring hotel. We got spinach and artichoke dip as an appetizer and you really enjoyed it. You ate more of it that we did! You also feasted on some shrimp, french fries, and clam strips.

Yummy spinach dip
 We decided to go out for a sweet treat and had frozen yogurt at TCBY. You got a small cup of cookies and cream and ate every last bit! What a wonderful night cap.

I like this FroYo!

And of course we took a walk on the beach. It was a little later than the previous nights, so we packed our flashlights. The night breeze felt so nice and the sand was so cool. Beautiful.

Family :)
I love you,

Vacation Day 3 (6/19/12)

Dear Gage,

Today we decided to take a break from the hot sand and visited a local zoo. We took a nice scenic drive down the Emerald Parkway down to Gulf Breeze, FL. The Gulf Breeze Zoo is a small, 50 acre animal park with a variety of different animals to see. We bought some food for the animals when we bought our tickets, so we were prepared once we walked into the zoo. There were several animals willing to take the food off our hands and we were excited to share. The first group of animals were the typical petting zoo animals: sheep, goats, llamas. We were a little worried about you getting too close to them, but  you weren't afraid at all. You went right up to one of the goats and I was afraid he was going to make a meal out of your hand. But he was a gentle when you and daddy fed him out of the cup.

Helping Daddy feed the goat

 After the petting zoo, we got to feed the giraffes! They were very excited about the food. You weren't quite sure what to think about the tall animals and you couldn't take your eyes off of them.

Big giraffes
We spent the afternoon looking around the zoo. We saw a variety of different animals, including black bears, tigers, cougars, zebras, giant tortises, camels, rhinos, gorillas, kangaroos, emus, and many more.
Momma kangaroo and her Joey :)

Explorer Maddy

Explorer Gage

Gage the Gorilla
Photogenic family, photogenic camel
When we got back to our condo, we got into our swim clothes and took a dip in the pool. It was cool and refreshing after spending the day at the zoo.

Swimming with Momma
 We brought some garden fresh veggies with us, so I cooked dinner at the condo. We had green beans, cabbage, cole slaw, fried squash, grilled zucchini and Daddy grilled hamburgers. It was a very tasty dinner and you really enjoyed the green beans and squash. We took our nightly walk on the beach and watched the sun set. Another beautiful day.

Loving the Gulf!

Fleeing from a wave!

Playing with Daddy

I love you,

Vacation Day 2 (6/18/12)

Dear Gage,

Today we spent most of the day out on the beach, soaking up the sun. We got out early and set up our beach chairs and umbrellas. We dressed you in your little inflated bathing suit, in anticipation of you diving right in to the water. This morning you weren't as fond of the water. The waves were a little more poweful than last night and the water was a little cooler. You liked to stand with your feet in the water, but going out any further was off limits.

Out in the water with Daddy
We changed you into your swim trunks and let you play in the sand. And boy did you play in the sand! You were running around and jumping in the fluffy white sand. You made a friend while we were out there. Dillion, who is around 5 or 6 years old, asked for our permission to play with you. Of course we said yes and he was right to you. He got your ball and played with you. Then you both started working on a sand castle. You didn't quite understand not to tear down the newly built walls, but Dillon was very patient with you and didn't seem to mind. Daddy finally got you distracted to your own little pile of sand and you were content.

Watching Daddy and Dillon build a castle
Digging a hole
We played on the beach and in the pool off and on all day. We took breaks to eat lunch and to let you nap. You took a great nap in the early afternoon and once you awoke, you were ready to take on the beach again!

Once we were tired of the sun, we showered and changed clothes. I got a recommendation to a good restaurant, so we decided to check it out. We went to the Crab Trap, a seafood restaurant right on the beach in Destin. We got there early enough that we only had a 5 minute wait for the table. The food was excellent and the view was beautiful. We ordered fried calamari for an appetizer and you absolutely loved it. You ate it up! You also ate some of Sissy's fried shrimp, my steamed broccoli, and Daddy's crab cakes.

Yummy Calamari
Pretty Sissy eating an oyster
After dinner we took a stroll on the beach and watched the sun set. We got a couple of family photos on the beach. What a perfect way to end a perfect day.

Family photo on the beach

I love you,

Vacation Day 1 and Father's Day (6/17/12)

Dear Gage,

On Sunday, June 17, we celebrated Father's Day by driving to the beach for our week long vacation! Daddy told me he had his babies and was going on vacation, so he couldn't have asked for anything better. I think I agree. We are staying in Miramar Beach, FL this year, which is right outside of Destin. You have never been to Florida before and your Sissy has never seen the Gulf.

We started out early in the morning and headed down I-65. We went through Tennessee, Alabama, and into Florida. We made good time and arrived right on schedule. We stopped along the way three times, once for a potty break, once for food, and once at a neat little rustic honesty shop for some boiled peanuts. Your Sissy didn't like them very much and you ate only one. You didn't spit it out, but you didn't ask for more. We didn't want to force the issue. Between napping and watching movies, you traveled pretty well. You had a couple of fussy moments, but I have to admit that I felt a little fussy at times too. Nine hours in the car is a long time.

Tennessee! You've been here before.

Sweet Home Alabama. This was a new state for you.

Hello Sunshine State!!

Napping in the car with Sissy.
Once we arrived, we toured our little townhouse. We have never stayed in a condo/townhouse before. We usually stay in hotels, but I don't think we'll go back to that. The condo, while located across the street from the beach, is so roomy and nice. The little location has 8 buildings with 4 homes each, so the number of people is limited and it is much more family oriented. Our building is right by the pool, so that's a huge plus.

After getting unpacked, we went to the grocery for our weeklong needs. Once the groceries were unloaded and put away, we headed down to the beach. You were a skeptical of this big water and the fluffy white sand. Even though you'd been to the beach before, this was a new experience. There's a big difference between being 6 months old and nearly 17 months. You loved walking around in the sand and picking it up. You finally decided to walk out a little bit into the water and you loved it. You laughed your belly laugh and jumped around. You were in heaven. It was so great to see you enjoying the sand and water. This was a good sign of the days to come. We have a lot of beach to see this week!

Toes in the sand and water

Checking out the water with Sissy

We took a quick dip in the pool before retiring to our condo for the night. You really enjoyed the pool. Daddy put you in your raft and you floated around the pool like you owned the place. You were kicking your feet and splashing water, having a great time.

Loving the pool

You ended the night cuddling with Daddy. What a perfect Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

I love you,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Big Brother

Dear Gage,

It's a little late to be writing this blog, as everyone knows and it's been made "facebook official," but you're going to be a BIG BROTHER! That's right, Mommy is going to be having another baby. You are too young right now to understand what is going on, but I hope you adapt well with this new addition. Baby Payne is due to arrive on December 16. Since I had a c-section with you, the doctor wants to do one for this baby. They're usually scheduled about a week prior to the due date, so we're crossing our fingers for a 12/12/12 baby. Wouldn't that be pretty cool?

I know you're going to be a great big brother. Another baby was definitely in our future, we just didn't think it would happen so soon. You won't quite be 2 years old when your baby brother/sister arrives and that's ok. You'll never really remember being an only child and will only remember having your little playmate around. That's a plus.

We're very excited about our new addition and I can't wait to meet him/her. I know you will love the baby!

I made you a shirt to announce the big news!
I love you,

Gage wants a "nana"

Dear Gage,

You love bananas and always have. You usually eat one right before bed, but this past week on vacation you didn't have any bananas. Once we got back and got to the grocery, we restocked the banana hanger and you ate a banana. And another and another. You have eaten three bananas today and it's only 2 pm. You see them hanging on the hook and essentially cry for one. "Nana, Nana, Nana!" until you get one. It's hard to say no to that sweet little face. It's not like you're crying for candy or chips. I've hidden the bananas for now. I think you've reached your daily limit.

I love you, Nana boy,

Friday, June 15, 2012

Where's Momma?

Dear Gage,

This week is my week off from work, but I picked up an extra shift today at one of the other stores. I was already gone by the time you woke up, so you didn't know where I was. You were walking around the house looking for me. You're used to me sleeping during the day on my work week so you grabbed a spoon out of the drawer in the kitchen and starting beating on the bedroom door, hoping to wake me up! So sweet, and heartbreaking. I miss you too! And I can't wait to come home!

I love you,

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Brushing Your Teeth

Dear Gage,

Every morning and every night you brush your teeth with mommy and you love it! I'm sure it's because you understand the benefits of good oral hygiene, and has nothing to do with the fact that you love to suck the toothpaste off the brush. But for whatever reason, it's a great habit to get you into and you are always so excited for it. You climb up on the closed toilet and sit patiently for me to get your toothbrush ready. I have to do most of the brushing for you, but you manage to clean your teeth a bit when you chew around on the bristles.

We recently had to purchase you a new toothbrush after you decided the toilet wasn't clean enough. That's all we'll say about that.

Other than that one little mishap, your brushing experience has been quite positive. We're taking you to your first dentist appointment in July, so I hope they're as impressed with you as we are!

I love you,