My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Day

Dear Gage,

Last night we got our first snow of the season. It was very exciting to finally see the snow fall, but not exciting to be out driving in it. Luckily, we were able to be home just in time to really appreciate the beauty of the snow fall from the comfort of our home. Dada took you out last night during the snow fall and you just stared at all the white stuff in amazement. You were a little unsure of it all.

Today, we dressed you up in all your winter garb and took you out to explore the snow for yourself. The wind was blowing quite hard so we were out in wind chill in the teens. Needless to say, we didn't stay outside for very long. But we were able to get some photos of you and your first snow of the new year!

Dada, why are we out here?

What is this white stuff?

Mommy and Gage in the snow

Nothing better than hot chili on a cold day!
I love you,

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