My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Dear Gage,

Today we went over to the Salyer's house to celebrate Miss Emma's first birthday! She turned one on January 11, but she had her party today. You were a little shy at first, but once you saw all of Emma's toys, you were ready to get down and play. We ate lunch first and then watched Emma blow out her candle and eat her cake. With a little help from her mommy, she dove right in and really enjoyed her Elmo cake. After cake, we watched her open all her presents. She got all kinds of toys and clothes, but her favorite gift was the two suckers. She wouldn't let them leave her sight!

Once the presents were opened, it was time to play! There was another baby there who will be turning one tomorrow, so you had 2 kids your age to play with. You each did your own thing at first and explored the new surroundings, but once you were familiar with all the toys, you all played really well together. We were able to get you all on the Sesame Street couch for a photo, but you all quickly dispersed to continue play time. You were such a good boy today and you played so well with the other kids. I'm very proud of you, big boy!

Happy Birthday, Emma!!
Three peas in a pod

I love you,

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