My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Dear Gage,

You celebrated your first Christmas last week. I had to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas night, but that didn't stand in the way of us celebrating the holiday. On Christmas morning, I came home, got you fed and then we went to church to celebrate the real reason for the season, the birth of Jesus. I wish we could have gone to the Christmas Eve service, but work interferred. Next year, we'll be able to make it.

Once we got home, we opened our Christmas presents. I had already gotten mine on the previous Friday in the mail, but I was able to put my new Canon Rebel to work. I also got a set of iron skillets and a shield for my mixer that I got last year for Christmas. Dada got a new gun, some shirts and a new hoodie.

Ever since the tree has been put up, that corner of the house has been partitioned off with two baby gates. I dropped one of the gates and set you in by the tree and you were very hesitant. Almost as if you thought I was testing you. I showed you one of the small presents and you inspected it throughly, turning it over in your hands and even giving it a little taste! You were quick to learn that the bows come off quite easily, so that was your target. After you played for a bit and after taking a bunch of pictures, we took you to the living room so you (we) could open them up. You got all sorts of new toys including a tool set, a dancing dog, a counting elephant, and a baseball set. You were most intersted in the tool set and that made Dada especially happy.
Your stocking

Look at the presents!

I like this bow
New PJ's and slippers from Great Grandma and Grandpa

Playing with your new elephant
Mommy's new camera

On Wednesday, we had the family over to celebrate Christmas. Granny Dowwoe came with Jett, Kristine brought Kaydence and Matt brough Jude and Molly. Madeline and Uncle Jeffy were also here, so we had a full house. After a yummy dinner fit for a king and a dessert spread to impress a bakery, we opened presents. You got a new bath toy, a cuckoo clock, drums, a peek a boo toy and some new clothes.

Uncle Matt, Molly and Jude

Auntie Neenee and Kaydence

Granny Dowwoe got a new camera

Ready to open presents

Jett and Maddie opening presents

Merry Christmas, from the Paynes!
We had a very nice Christmas this year. It was so wonderful to be able to spend time with family and celebrate the season.

I love you,

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