My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Very Gabba Birthday

Dear Gage,

Yesterday, you celebrated your first birthday, Gabba style! Your Dada and I worked very hard on all the decorations for this special day, and we were very happy with how they all turned out.

Character presents and Brobee doll

The gift table

Colorful tables

Character Oreo pops in the boom box

Dessert table with goodie bags

Center pieces
I love you,

PS - there will be another post about all the fun at the party

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mommy!!

Dear Gage,

On January 19th, I celebrated my first birthday with you by my side. Last year on my birthday, we were anxiously awaiting your arrival, which unbeknownst to us, was only 9 days away. I had to work again this year on my birthday, but that didn't stop us from celebrating. Your Dada made my favorite meal (roasted veggie pizza) and one of my favorite desserts (german chocolate cake). Your Granny Dowwoe, Jett and Kaydence were also there to help celebrate. After we ate the yummy pizza and blew out the candles, I got to open my presents. You and Dada got me a tripod for my camera and a very special homemade card. You even drew me some pretty pictures.

Cuddle time with Mommy

Homemade cake by Dada

Opening presents

Precious homemade card
I had a great 28th birthday! It was so nice to be able to celebrate with our family!

I love you so much,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Birthday Party Preparation

Dear Gage,

With your birthday less than 2 weeks away, we have been busy preparing for your 1st birthday party. You don't really watch a lot of television, but you do like the show Yo Gabba Gabba! which we stream on Netflix for you. We decided we would have a Yo Gabba themed party, but little did we know, the decorations can't be found in stores. There is always the option to order them online, but that would get pretty expensive. That being said, I ordered a few things online and the rest will be homemade. Your Dada and I have been busy putting together these decorations and we are really excited about them. We've wrapped your presents with the characters, made festive cups and plates, and put together centerpieces. I'll give you a sneak peak at a few things, but I don't want to ruin the surprise!

Muno present

Brobee plate
We are so excited to celebrate your 1st birthday!

I love you,

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Dear Gage,

Today we went over to the Salyer's house to celebrate Miss Emma's first birthday! She turned one on January 11, but she had her party today. You were a little shy at first, but once you saw all of Emma's toys, you were ready to get down and play. We ate lunch first and then watched Emma blow out her candle and eat her cake. With a little help from her mommy, she dove right in and really enjoyed her Elmo cake. After cake, we watched her open all her presents. She got all kinds of toys and clothes, but her favorite gift was the two suckers. She wouldn't let them leave her sight!

Once the presents were opened, it was time to play! There was another baby there who will be turning one tomorrow, so you had 2 kids your age to play with. You each did your own thing at first and explored the new surroundings, but once you were familiar with all the toys, you all played really well together. We were able to get you all on the Sesame Street couch for a photo, but you all quickly dispersed to continue play time. You were such a good boy today and you played so well with the other kids. I'm very proud of you, big boy!

Happy Birthday, Emma!!
Three peas in a pod

I love you,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Day

Dear Gage,

Last night we got our first snow of the season. It was very exciting to finally see the snow fall, but not exciting to be out driving in it. Luckily, we were able to be home just in time to really appreciate the beauty of the snow fall from the comfort of our home. Dada took you out last night during the snow fall and you just stared at all the white stuff in amazement. You were a little unsure of it all.

Today, we dressed you up in all your winter garb and took you out to explore the snow for yourself. The wind was blowing quite hard so we were out in wind chill in the teens. Needless to say, we didn't stay outside for very long. But we were able to get some photos of you and your first snow of the new year!

Dada, why are we out here?

What is this white stuff?

Mommy and Gage in the snow

Nothing better than hot chili on a cold day!
I love you,

Little Climber

Dear Gage,

You have recently learned how to climb up on the couch all by yourself. You get over to the corner, hike your little knee up over the edge and pull yourself up. It's really cute to watch you climb up, but now that you're on higher ground, I'm a little uneasy. I'm afraid you're going to fall off. But I guess you will learn eventually not to get so close to the edge. You're a fast learner, so hopefully one teeter over the edge will be enough.

I love you,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year!

Dear Gage,

I'm a little late getting this posted, but last week we said goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012! What an exciting and fun filled year 2011 was. So many amazing blessings and so many wonderful memories! We started off the year right by welcoming you into this world on January 28th. That was the most terrifying and most exciting day I have ever experienced, and I cherish it so much.  You have truly been such a blessing to your Dada and me. I just can't imagine my life without you! I love you so very much, and I look forward to all the new memories we will make in 2012!

I love you,

Taking Steps

Dear Gage,

Last week, on your 11 month birthday, you took some big steps, literally. You walked unassisted for the first time!! We are so proud of you! You have been walking in the walker for several months and along the couch and the cabinets with ease, but these were independent steps! Such an exciting STEP in your development. Right now, you still prefer crawling, but every once in a while, you will just take off on your own! What a big boy you are!!

I love you,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Dear Gage,

You celebrated your first Christmas last week. I had to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas night, but that didn't stand in the way of us celebrating the holiday. On Christmas morning, I came home, got you fed and then we went to church to celebrate the real reason for the season, the birth of Jesus. I wish we could have gone to the Christmas Eve service, but work interferred. Next year, we'll be able to make it.

Once we got home, we opened our Christmas presents. I had already gotten mine on the previous Friday in the mail, but I was able to put my new Canon Rebel to work. I also got a set of iron skillets and a shield for my mixer that I got last year for Christmas. Dada got a new gun, some shirts and a new hoodie.

Ever since the tree has been put up, that corner of the house has been partitioned off with two baby gates. I dropped one of the gates and set you in by the tree and you were very hesitant. Almost as if you thought I was testing you. I showed you one of the small presents and you inspected it throughly, turning it over in your hands and even giving it a little taste! You were quick to learn that the bows come off quite easily, so that was your target. After you played for a bit and after taking a bunch of pictures, we took you to the living room so you (we) could open them up. You got all sorts of new toys including a tool set, a dancing dog, a counting elephant, and a baseball set. You were most intersted in the tool set and that made Dada especially happy.
Your stocking

Look at the presents!

I like this bow
New PJ's and slippers from Great Grandma and Grandpa

Playing with your new elephant
Mommy's new camera

On Wednesday, we had the family over to celebrate Christmas. Granny Dowwoe came with Jett, Kristine brought Kaydence and Matt brough Jude and Molly. Madeline and Uncle Jeffy were also here, so we had a full house. After a yummy dinner fit for a king and a dessert spread to impress a bakery, we opened presents. You got a new bath toy, a cuckoo clock, drums, a peek a boo toy and some new clothes.

Uncle Matt, Molly and Jude

Auntie Neenee and Kaydence

Granny Dowwoe got a new camera

Ready to open presents

Jett and Maddie opening presents

Merry Christmas, from the Paynes!
We had a very nice Christmas this year. It was so wonderful to be able to spend time with family and celebrate the season.

I love you,

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Little Stair Climber

Dear Gage,

Since you have been able to crawl, we have had to put a baby gate in front of the stairs so won't venture up to the second floor. But on Monday, we went over to Auntie Neenee's house and she has some stairs that aren't blocked off. Of course, you went straight for them and had a go at climbing them. Your Granny Dowwoe stayed close to your side as you made the ascent.

You are such a big boy! I love you,