My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 30, 2011

Life Lessons from a third shift pharmacist

Dear Gage,

I learned some important lessons last night and felt the need to pass them along:

1. Don't wait until a cat bite gets infected before seeing a doctor. You will end up at Walgreens at 1am with three antibiotic prescriptions from the ER.
2. Don't wrestle with an 8lb Westie when he isn't in the mood. You will end up at Walgreens at 2am with an antibiotic prescription from the ER and part of your lip missing.
3. Don't try to break up a fight between a labrador and an English bulldog. You will end up at Walgreens at 3am with an antibiotic prescription from the ER and bandages on both hands.
4. Don't pharmacy hop with your benzo rx's. We will catch you.

Love you,

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