My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fun week

Dear Gage,

What a fun-filled week we had! Mommy was off work this week, so that meant lots of Mommy-time! On Wednesday, your cousin Jett came over to visit and ended up spending two nights with us. You had a lot of fun watching Jett play MarioKart on the Wii.

Saturday we went to Indiana for your Auntie NeeNee's baby shower. We stopped by to visit with Grandma and Grandpa beforehand and you were such a good and happy boy! Grandpa kept making you laugh! At the shower, you got to visit with your great-aunts and cousins, and they just couldn't get enough of you! Auntie NeeNee got some really awesome gifts for baby KEH, including a stroller/carseat combo, Cradle/swing, diaper bag, blankets, and so much more.

Today, you went to visit tattoo Jon with Daddy and then spent a lot of time outside enjoying the beautiful day. You "helped" Daddy make some tomato cages while Mommy cleaned the house and did laundry. We had a really great week. Mommy goes back to work tomorrow, but that means you get lots of Daddy-time!

I love you whole bunches!!

Helping Daddy :)

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