My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, May 20, 2011

First Time (5/11/11)

Dear Gage,

I have decided to write a blog for you, reflecting on your milestones and day-to-day activities. I am new to this, so please bear with me! Because you are already 3 1/2 months old, there will be a lot of posts reflecting on the things we have already missed.

Mommy is back to work this week, which means she's working while you are sleeping. Daddy has been doing such a good job taking care of you through the night and through the day while I'm asleep. I really miss you when I'm gone, but I look forward to the next week when I'm off work and home with you. I do get to spend time with you in the mornings when I get home from work and in the evenings when I wake up. Not to mention the midafternoon feedings. We've gotten a system figured out and it seems to be working really well! You haven't forgotten who I am yet, so that's a plus!

I love you very much sweetheart and there will be plenty more letters to come!


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