My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, May 20, 2011

Little Piglet (5/12/11)

Dear Gage,

Last night Mommy fed you and put you to bed before coming to work at 10pm, but she got a text message from daddy at 10:10 saying you had woken up. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. Silly boy. Night time is for sleeping. You have been doing so well that past 3 weeks about going to bed and sleeping up
until at least 730 or 8am. What has changed this week? Three nights in a row you have woken up soon after being put to bed.

Well last night you started acting hungry, even though I fed you before I left. Daddy decided to try putting cereal in a bottle. This was your first time with cereal, so we were both a little nervous, but 1 tablespoon of cereal in 3 ounces of milk later, you were fast asleep! My little piglet!! I hope you're going through a growth spurt because mommy won't be able to keep up with your needs! I can't wait to start you on spoon fed cereal in a couple of weeks.

Love you whole bunches!

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