My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Four Month Check-up

Dear Gage,

Yesterday, you went to see Dr. Chris for your four month check-up.  You weigh 13lbs 8oz and you're now 25.5 inches long! That puts you in the 50th percentile of weight and 75th for height! We couldn't be more happy with your growth and development!! We were given the green light to start feeding you fruits and veggies too. We decided to start you out with some peas and you really seemed to enjoy them. I can't wait until our garden starts producing vegetables, so I can put my babyfood cookbook to use! I'd say within 2 weeks you'll be enjoying garden fresh veggies with us!!

Love you sweetie-pie!

PS - I'm sorry about you-know-what. It really is for your own good.

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