My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Visit to Louisville Zoo (4/14/16)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Gage, last week was your spring break, and while we didn't have any major plans, we did decide to drive up to Louisville to visit the zoo on Thursday. We got there around 11am and stopped for a quick lunch. We took it inside and ate at one of the picnic tables. Once we were full, it was time to explore. The zoo had just opened a special exhibit that day of Lego sculptures. We saw two of the three and they were amazing! I have never seen anything like them. 

Lego exhibit

Gabe, you loved the monkeys

The most laid back orangutan I've ever seen

We watched this penguin walk all over the rocks

Gage, you loved the white alligator!

Gage got to pet a snake

Gabe with a tortise

Majestic bald eagles

Geriatric Lynx

We took a break to enjoy the playground
In the wallaby walk about

We watched a sea lion show
You were all excited to see the polar bear
Lego Polar bears

Lego Polar bears

Fat little meerkat

Lazy hippo

Gage, you don't quite measure up to a full-grown gorilla

Elephant playing with a ball

Lion King!

Riding a camel

Giraffes were inside

Pretty flamingos

Daddy's favorite - Maned Wolf
We had such a great time at the zoo. The weather was perfect and there wasn't much of a crowd. It was a wonderful visit and I look forward to going back to visit the animals again.

I love you,

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