My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, April 18, 2016

Baby Payne #4

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

This year for my birthday, I got a nice little surprise a day early - I found out we were going to have baby Payne #4. Shocked, would be the best word to describe how I felt when I saw those two lines, as I was still nursing you Grant, and I wasn't sure that I could even have another baby at that time. But the shock wore off and was quickly replaced by excitement and anticipation! Wow, another baby! We had already talked about having one more, but this was a tad bit sooner than we had expected. But God has a plan and we just have to put our faith and trust in His will!

Of course, one test just wasn't enough. Had to be sure!

I told Daddy our good news and he shared the same initial shock, but was quickly excited. We didn't tell you boys that day and decided to wait until I had confirmation from my doctor about a due date to say anything to anyone.

I went to the doctor in the middle of February and since I was still nursing you Grant, I hadn't had a cycle so I wasn't really sure how far along I was. I knew I wasn't too far along when I took the test because the whole reason I took the test was because I started to notice a few things with my body that only happen when I'm pregnant. An ultrasound confirmed I was 9 weeks pregnant, so that put us at a September 22 due date! A September baby! Since I'll have to have a c-section, we anticipate his or her arrival about a week before that. So that means a summer baby too! Gage, you're my winter baby, Gabe, you were born in the fall and Grant, you were born a little over a week into spring, so I'll have one in every season! Of course, this baby coming in September means I'll be pregnant all summer long, so I can't say that I am super excited about that aspect of my summer baby!

Once we had the ultrasound, we started to share the good news. Gage, you have been my little messenger and have been telling our family and friends when we see them about our new addition. Grant, at your 1st birthday party, we put you in your "Big Brother" shirt and let you announce it to the guests who hadn't been told yet.

My "Facebook Official" Announcement
I'll be having another ultrasound in the next month or so and we'll find out whether baby Payne #4 is a boy or girl. We won't let this one be a surprise like you were Grant. I don't think Daddy or I can handle the anxiety of not knowing. It's just hard to prepare when you don't know. Especially with a house full of boys and all blue.

I love you all,

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