My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, April 18, 2016

Grant's First Birthday Party (4/3/16)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

First birthdays are always celebrated with big parties in our family. We decided to rent out the multipurpose room at Phil Moore Park for Grant's party since our house isn't big enough. Also, less stress for me when it comes to cleaning the house before and after the party. Less stress for mommy = happy mommy!

We went with a Mickey Mouse theme since Grant, you stop whatever you're doing anytime you hear Mickey Mouse come on the television. We did Mickey Mouse for your first (and second) birthday party too, Gabe. It seems to be the thing for one year-olds! 

We put together a banner of all your monthly pictures


We made our own little ball pit with an inflatable Mickey pool and some balls.

We tried to reduce stress by serving pizzas, but of course, I had to throw in some extra food for sides and dessert, so we spent just as much time preparing those items. I went a little over board with the desserts and became obsessed with the Mickey theme. Fortunately, Jeffy, Melissa and Jacob were in town that weekend, so I solicited a lot of help from Melissa. And she was kind enough to oblige.

Mickey Mouse Oreo Balls

Desserts! Homemade Mickey cupcakes and Oreo Balls and a store bought smash cake
We were able to get to the park about an hour early to get things set up, and by the time our guests started to arrive, we were about ready to party. One of the perks to renting the multipurpose room was the access to the two gyms indoors as well. As long as there wasn't a planned event, we had free reign of the volleyball court and basketball goals. Everyone, especially the older children, loved playing inside. Because the weather was so beautiful, the younger children enjoyed playing outside on the playground.

After we ate lunch, it was time for cake! Grant, you had already eaten your first slice of cake a few days prior on your actual birthday, so you were a seasoned expert. You dove right in and devoured some cake.

After we got you cleaned up from your delicious cake, I put you in your "Big Brother" shirt to make the wonderful announcement. A few of our guests didn't know about your good news, so this was a nice surprise for them.

Big Brother :)

Amy and Grant
We concluded the party by opening gifts. You got a nice haul of clothes and new toys. Thank you to everyone who came to the party to celebrate and those who brought the nice gifts!

Everyone was impressed with your new goodies
We had such a wonderful time celebrating your first birthday, Grant!!

Sissy and Grant

NeeNee, Oliver, Kaydence and Grant

Lucy, Aunt Marlene, Allyson and Grant

Dows and Grant

Playing with one of your new toys at home. You love it!
I love you,

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