My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Playdate with E and Caroline - 8/22/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We met up with Elizabeth and Caroline for a fun Friday in August. We started out at the public library in downtown Bowling Green for story hour. We went to a toddler time, but you boys were able to enjoy the stories just as well. The lady led us in songs, stories and playtime. After the structured events were over, you all were allowed to play with the toys and activities in the room. It was a lot of fun and you boys played really well with the other children.

Gabe playing with a little boy after story time

We went to Circus Square Park after story time to play in the water fountains. I had never been down there before when the fountains were running, so it was quite the scene. I got you changed into your swim clothes and we went straight to the fountains. Gage, you ran right in and started running around through the water, but Gabe, you were hesitant. After watching Gage enjoy the water and after he splashed you a few times, you decided it would be fun to play in too. You made your way around the circle and played in all the streams. Once Caroline saw you boys playing, she decided to join you.

Gage, you ran right into the water

Gabe watching from the sidelines

Finally decided to join in on the fun

E wanted to play in the water too

We took a break from the water to enjoy a picnic lunch in the grass. Gabe, you were being so nice and shared your food with Caroline. You even fed her some of your cheese!

After lunch, we played a little while longer in the fountains. Gage, you made friends with an older boy named Gabe. You played follow the leader through the fountains and on the short wall surrounding them. Everyone had such a great time and it was a beautiful day to enjoy the water.

I love you,

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