My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Beech Bend - 7/10/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This summer a dear friend of mine and her family were camping at Beech Bend and they invited us to join them for a day of fun. They had extra tickets to the theme park so that was a nice perk. We decided not to play in the water park but only ride the rides. We went to the Water Express first and Gage, you rode with Daddy. You were less than impressed by the ride and decided you would NOT want to try that one again. I rode with my friend Amy and it was a little more terrifying than I remembered!

Not happy. Not happy at all.
Riding the Water Express with Amy
Big splash!
We went to the children's area and let you boys ride all the kiddie rides.

Riding the bumblebees

The family in an old fashioned car

Gage in the bumper cars
We played with some of the baby goats in the petting zoo. Gage, you loved petting them, feeding them and holding them. Gabe, you were not impressed and didn't want much to do with the goats at all.

Feeding a goat
Is that what they call it a goatee?

Loving on a baby goat
When the park closed, we went back to their campsite. They prepared "hobo meals" and corn on the cob for dinner and we had banana boats for dessert. It was the perfect end to a wonderful day of fun in the sun.

Hobo meals on the fire - hamburger, potatoes and onions
We had a great time, friend!

I love you,

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