My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Molly and Jude! - 8/17/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Your cousins Jude and Molly have birthdays that are very close together, so Matt and Beth decided to throw them a joint party at Chuck E Cheese this year. Jude turned 6 on August 10th and Molly turned 3 on August 20th. I had to work the weekend they decided to have the party, but Daddy was able to take you boys to celebrate. You all had a great time playing games, eating pizza and cake and playing with your cousins. I was sad to miss the event, but Daddy took lots of pictures to document the occasion.

In the tunnel between the slides

Playing air hockey

Yummy pizza lunch

The birthday girl

Birthday boy blowing out his candle

Posing with Chuck E
I love you,

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