My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Camping at KOA - 7/22/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This summer we decided to go camping. This is something we have not done as a family before, so we chose to test out the camping waters at the KOA in Bowling Green. I know it doesn't sound like the most exciting camping adventure, but we were unsure how we all would handle sleeping in a tent all night. They also had a lot of activities and fun things to do during the day to help pass the time.

First things first, we got unloaded and set up our tent.

We then cooked lunch over the fire.

We cooled off with a long dip in the pool. Gage, you played it safe by staying close to the edge. Gabe, you live on the wild side and insisted on jumping in and climbing out over and over again.

We stopped at the life size chess board.

You boys are thinking hard about your first move.
 A very nice lady had popsicles for her grandchildren and she was nice enough to share with you boys. It was a nice relief from the heat of the day.

We played for a while on the playground.

Granny and Pa stopped by in the afternoon and they kept an eye on sleeping beauty while we took the paddleboat out on the little lake.

Tuckered out

We fished in the little lake later in the evening but didn't have any luck.

We cooked dinner over the fire,

and topped it all off with roasted marshmallows.

We had a great time on our camping adventure. We had a lot to do and a lot of memories were made. I look forward to when we can go camping again.

I love you,

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