My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Playdate with E and Caroline - 8/22/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We met up with Elizabeth and Caroline for a fun Friday in August. We started out at the public library in downtown Bowling Green for story hour. We went to a toddler time, but you boys were able to enjoy the stories just as well. The lady led us in songs, stories and playtime. After the structured events were over, you all were allowed to play with the toys and activities in the room. It was a lot of fun and you boys played really well with the other children.

Gabe playing with a little boy after story time

We went to Circus Square Park after story time to play in the water fountains. I had never been down there before when the fountains were running, so it was quite the scene. I got you changed into your swim clothes and we went straight to the fountains. Gage, you ran right in and started running around through the water, but Gabe, you were hesitant. After watching Gage enjoy the water and after he splashed you a few times, you decided it would be fun to play in too. You made your way around the circle and played in all the streams. Once Caroline saw you boys playing, she decided to join you.

Gage, you ran right into the water

Gabe watching from the sidelines

Finally decided to join in on the fun

E wanted to play in the water too

We took a break from the water to enjoy a picnic lunch in the grass. Gabe, you were being so nice and shared your food with Caroline. You even fed her some of your cheese!

After lunch, we played a little while longer in the fountains. Gage, you made friends with an older boy named Gabe. You played follow the leader through the fountains and on the short wall surrounding them. Everyone had such a great time and it was a beautiful day to enjoy the water.

I love you,

Happy Birthday Molly and Jude! - 8/17/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Your cousins Jude and Molly have birthdays that are very close together, so Matt and Beth decided to throw them a joint party at Chuck E Cheese this year. Jude turned 6 on August 10th and Molly turned 3 on August 20th. I had to work the weekend they decided to have the party, but Daddy was able to take you boys to celebrate. You all had a great time playing games, eating pizza and cake and playing with your cousins. I was sad to miss the event, but Daddy took lots of pictures to document the occasion.

In the tunnel between the slides

Playing air hockey

Yummy pizza lunch

The birthday girl

Birthday boy blowing out his candle

Posing with Chuck E
I love you,

Thursday, January 29, 2015

SOKY Fair - 7/29/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We made our annual visit to the SOKY Fair in Bowling Green, but this year we broke our tradition of going with the Salyer family. They moved to Tennessee to be closer to family so they weren't able to make it. We missed them this year.

The midway was being run by a different company, so some of the rides and attractions were different from previous years. You boys went right to the kiddie rides and took your turns on most of them. Gabe, you enjoyed them at first, but grew tired of the rides. You sat several of them out and watched brother take his turns.

Jett went with us and since he's getting older, he had to check out some of the bigger rides.

Jett rode this one all by himself!
Daddy and Jett rode the zipper while we watched

Gabe, you rode the Carousel with me and it made my night :)

Gage, you rode this ride with Auntie NeeNee and KD.

We all took a ride down the Super Slide

We took a break from the Midway to watch the Figure 8 Race and also to dine on the fine fair cuisine.

Of course, no night out at the fair would be complete without a funnel cake
Gage, you finished out the night with a few last minute rides,

and you and Daddy won a prize at the shooting range.

We had great time once again at the SOKY Fair. As always, we look forward to when the fair comes to town next year.

I love you,

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dinosaur World - 7/24/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We headed up the interstate to Cave City to visit Dinosaur World. I've seen the place so many times on the various trips up and down 65, but we had never stopped to visit. Gage, you have been interested in dinosaurs for a while, so it seemed like the perfect time for a visit.

We walked the path through the beautiful woods to look at all the dinosaur exhibits. It was so neat to see the life sized replicas of the dinosaurs. You boys thought it was really cool.

We ate picnic lunches.

After lunch, we participated in the fossil dig. You all were able to dig in the sand and keep three fossils that you found.

Of course, we had to take funny pictures in the dinosaur's mouth.

Can't forget Piper

We got to uncover a dinosaur skeleton.

We tried to identify the hidden dinosaurs by touch.

We participated in the Dino Gem Excavation. We got a bag of dirt, took it to the sluice and uncovered our gems. We found all sorts of neat things in our pan and we got to keep our treasure.

We had a wonderful time at our visit to Dinosaur World.

I love you,

Camping at KOA - 7/22/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This summer we decided to go camping. This is something we have not done as a family before, so we chose to test out the camping waters at the KOA in Bowling Green. I know it doesn't sound like the most exciting camping adventure, but we were unsure how we all would handle sleeping in a tent all night. They also had a lot of activities and fun things to do during the day to help pass the time.

First things first, we got unloaded and set up our tent.

We then cooked lunch over the fire.

We cooled off with a long dip in the pool. Gage, you played it safe by staying close to the edge. Gabe, you live on the wild side and insisted on jumping in and climbing out over and over again.

We stopped at the life size chess board.

You boys are thinking hard about your first move.
 A very nice lady had popsicles for her grandchildren and she was nice enough to share with you boys. It was a nice relief from the heat of the day.

We played for a while on the playground.

Granny and Pa stopped by in the afternoon and they kept an eye on sleeping beauty while we took the paddleboat out on the little lake.

Tuckered out

We fished in the little lake later in the evening but didn't have any luck.

We cooked dinner over the fire,

and topped it all off with roasted marshmallows.

We had a great time on our camping adventure. We had a lot to do and a lot of memories were made. I look forward to when we can go camping again.

I love you,