My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year Halloween was on a Friday, but we found out about a few trunk or treats taking place on Thursday night. We dressed you boys in your cute costumes and then picked up Jett for a night of trick or treating. We went to a church on Old Lover's Lane and went through the lines of trunks for treats. They had refreshments too. Gage, you saw another boy dressed as Iron Man, so you thought that was really cool. His name was Elijah and he was just your size.

Gage as Iron Man and Jett as a dead pirate?

Gabe as Curious George

Gage and Elijah
I had a costume too!

Mommy and the new baby dressed up for Halloween

After the church, we stopped by Independence Bank for their Pirate Party. All the employees were dress in amazing costumes and they had decorated their lobby with pirate ships. We got a few treats and some popcorn during the fun.
The Panhellenic Counsel at WKU was hosting a trunk or treat on campus so that was our last stop for the night. There were several girls representing their sororities and giving out candy. Most of them were wearing costumes and they all had such wonderful things to say about you all! It was a great time and we got a lot of goodies.
That night, we went home and carved our pumpkins. You boys helped Daddy take the insides out of the pumpkins while I worked on dinner. It was a messy job, but you both did a great job. Daddy carved a bat and I carved a pirate ship. Gage, you wanted to help so badly, but it wasn't safe for you to do any cuts. We had a kit with colored pegs that you hammered into the pumpkin in the pattern Daddy drew. You did a great job making your smiley face pumpkin.
Cleaning out the pumpkins

Our finished products
All lit up

On Halloween night, we picked up Jett again for trick or treating. We stopped by NeeNee's and saw KD in her Strawberry Shortcake costume. She looked so pretty.

Strawberry Shortcake and Iron Man
Lemon Meringue, Strawberry Shortcake and Huckleberry

We went to my friend Stephanie's house to do some trick or treating in her subdivision. It was really cold outside so after a few blocks, they went back home. We decided to do the drive and walk trick or treating this year. Even with the cold weather, we all had a wonderful time and ended up getting more candy than we could possibly need.

Courtland the pumpkin, Iron Man, Dead Pirate and Curious George

The Man in the Yellow Hat and Curious George :)

Lots of candy - 11 pounds or so!
When we got back home, we made some cookies. It was a premade sheet of chocolate dough that was intended to be cut with cookie cutters. It didn't work out very well at all, but we did get a few cookies to turn out ok.


Gage and your fake smile

Cutting cookies

The few that actually turned out decently
We had such a wonderful Halloween this year. Even with the cold weather, we made the most of it and enjoyed ourselves.

I love you,

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