My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Big Brothers!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On August 5 I found out I was pregnant, so this means you will both be big brothers! Gage, we didn't tell you right away since we know how you can't keep a secret. I wanted to wait until I heard the heartbeat at the doctor's office before telling anyone, so when I was almost 12 weeks pregnant, we told Sissy and Dows. I dressed you in the new shirts I made and let you all announce the good news. They were both so very excited about our new addition.

On October 5, we had a cookout. We had set out our fall decorations and I added a carved pumpkin to announce our news to the rest of the family.



We are very excited and nearly everyday you ask about the new baby, Gage. You are trying to understand that the baby lives in Mommy's belly and in April, we'll get to see it. We decided to not find out if baby is a boy or girl, so it will be a surprise. I'm due April 6, but since I'll be having a C-section, we could be meeting the new baby in late March. I'll be having an ultrasound next week so we'll get to see how the new baby is growing and developing.

I love you,

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